#71 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You just ate my chicken, you bastard." Perry to mht

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#224 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"It's ok if I declare war on somebody because I suck at war." -jeremydw

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#345 + (0) -
11/3/2010 5:01

22:00 < kberlin> I am not a pothead

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#369 + (0) -
5/7/2011 6:43

17:35 -!- danwang [danwang@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #prog-priv
17:35 * vinod cant see who the hell is being invited
17:35 < vinod> /kick danwang (!)
17:35 < vinod> gah
17:35 -!- mode/#prog-priv [+o danwang] by kristine
17:35 -!- vinod was kicked from #prog-priv by danwang [(!)]
17:35 <@milki> LOL
17:35 <@danwang> LOL
17:35 <@kristine> =__=
17:35 -!- vinod [vinod@localhost] has joined #prog-priv
17:35 <@milki> HAHAHAHA
17:35 < vinod> -_______________________-
17:35 <@milki> ROFLCOPTERS
17:35 <@danwang> LOLOLOLOLOL
17:35 < vinod> -___________-
17:35 < vinod> -________-
17:36 <@milki> thats what you get
17:36 <@milki> !
17:36 <@kristine> You?
17:36 * vinod points at danwang
17:36 < vinod> YEAH THATS RIGHT -> danwang <-
17:36 * milki points at vinod
17:36 * vinod points at danwang
17:36 * milki points at vinod
17:36 * kristine kicks vinod (!)
17:36 * danwang points at danwang
17:36 * vinod kicks kristine (!)
17:36 <@kristine> :c
17:36 * milki kicks vinod
17:36 * danwang zooms away (!)
17:36 < vinod> kristine: WAT YOU DO . DO BETTAR JOB
17:36 !irc.housing.berkeley.edu danwang invited winst into the channel.
17:36 <@kristine> I'm doing great
17:36 * vinod kicks #prog-priv
17:36 < vinod> #f
17:36 < vinod> MUTINY
17:36 -!- winst [winst@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #prog-priv
17:37 * vinod grabs shanks
17:37 <@kristine> Uh
17:37 <@milki> RISE NOW MY MINIONS!
17:37 * vinod skewers milki
17:37 <@kristine> >_>
17:37 * vinod throws kristine out window (!)
17:37 <@kristine> winst: You joined at a weird time
17:37 * milki pummels vinod into the wall
17:37 < vinod> you guys suck
17:37 < vinod> all of you
17:37 * vinod throws milki out another window
17:37 <@milki> WHEEEEEEEE
17:37 * vinod throws glass shards at kristine
17:37 * vinod sets milki on fire
17:37 <@milki> O
17:37 <@milki> O
17:37 <@milki> O
17:38 <@milki> FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
17:38 * milki runs around in circles
17:38 * vinod throws flaming milki at kristine (!)
17:38 <@kristine> =_=
17:38 < winst> wat.
17:38 * milki chases after kristine and vinod
17:38 <@milki> FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
17:38 * vinod stabs danwang and throws milki at danwang (!)
17:38 * danwang swings the bat
17:38 * milki chases after vinod
17:38 <@danwang> HOME RUN.
17:38 * vinod watches flaming milki explode on danwang
17:39 * vinod watches danwang drown in BW rt tickets from kbeckman
17:39 * vinod enjoys a mountain dew lite ~*
17:39 * kristine kicks vinod (!)
17:39 * milki kicks vinod
17:39 * vinod kicks kristine (!)
17:39 * vinod kicks milki (!)
17:39 * vinod enjoys a 7up ~*
17:39 * milki kicks vinod
17:39 * vinod kicks milki (!)
17:40 * milki kicks vinod
17:40 * vinod kicks milki (!)
17:40 * milki kicks vinod
17:40 <@kristine> danwang: winst It's not always like this
17:40 * vinod blames kristine (!)
17:40 < vinod> this is your fault.
17:40 < vinod> when i had op
17:40 < vinod> things were saner
17:40 < vinod> less kicking going on
17:40 < vinod> >.<
17:40 * vinod blames kristine and milki
17:40 <@kristine> Orly
17:40 < vinod> yarly
17:40 -!- mode/#prog-priv [+m] by danwang
17:40 <@milki> norly
17:41 <@milki> nice
17:41 * milki approves
17:41 -!- mode/#prog-priv [+v vinod] by danwang
17:41 -!- mode/#prog-priv [-v vinod] by danwang
17:41 -!- mode/#prog-priv [+b MagicBall!*@*] by danwang
17:41 -!- vinod [vinod@localhost] has left #prog-priv []

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#164 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

anna, at the end of a lead-staff meeting: "Is that really it? I'm asking purely for the purpose of taking minutes."

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#451 + (0) -

16:53 <%victor> too much candy in this office
16:53 <@gms> victor: it's no wellness fx
16:53 <@gms> lolol
16:53 <%victor> srsly
16:53 <%victor> also we're out of coconut water
16:53 <%victor> :|
16:53 <@gms> lol
16:54 < dm> lol #victorworldproblems

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#388 + (0) -
10/13/2011 3:24

19:59 <vinod> are you two hanging out a lot or something. wtf
19:59 <vinod> yeah bring your japanese friend so i can kick him
19:59 <vinod> kick him into the bay
19:59 <vinod> in the direction of japan
19:59 <vinod> XD
20:01 <vinod> isn't he still trying to pick you up in the most direct way possible :|
20:01 <vinod> short of yelling 'WOMAN!' and carrying you home in a sack.
20:01 <vinod> LOLOLOL
20:01 * vinod lols

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#455 + (0) -

miree: lunches mess with my olfactory senses
it always smells like someone cut one
and then i realize it's someone's food

dm: ROFL
so wrong bro.
so wrong.

miree: miree is dying
lmfao i want to laugh so hard right now
"excuse me, but .. why does your lunch smell like fart?"

dm: LOL
what kind of lunch is it?
what foreign food is it that smells like ass air?

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#305 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

13:25 < dchen> "I joined rescomp to meet girls, but all I got was ccowart"

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#518 + (0) -
21:53:21 08/18/2021

11:27 achang:poo: maybe you're pregnant
11:28 or you shouldn't have licked all those doorknobs
12:28 ccowart licking doorknobs can get you pregnant?