#506 + (0) -

[14:08] dm: ssh dmojado@hal.rescomp.berkeley.edu
[14:08] dm: HkBxRB$uCgqGHv@TSctS$c7J
[14:08] dm: dammit.

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#513 + (0) -
08:39:41 03/30/2021

@jeremydw this is how you free the nipple ☝️

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#109 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

I'm going to the Asian food place in the Asian Ghetto. --Jesse

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#280 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Cowart: "Oh look, jeffy's finally checking his email...from last Wednseday."

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#36 + (0) -
3/24/2010 20:16

13:11 < perry> random, but c-unit is really a horrible name for a proj
13:11 < perry> was looking at a ticket, and first time i saw it
13:12 < perry> i thought it read as "cunt" rather than c-unit

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#89 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"If you don't get error messages in your cron, you should be worried." --ferlatte

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#434 + (0) -

12:21 < milki> omg
12:22 < milki> all this white stuff all overed my keyboard -.-
12:22 < milki> this is what i get for not paying attention -.-
12:22 < milki> i hope it doesnt get too sticky
12:23 <@kristine> ...
12:23 <@kristine> ...
12:23 <@kristine> ...

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#254 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

23:49 < kberlin> etymology-la? 23:49 < ccowart> chuck-la? 23:49 < aonwiler> kberlin: fail - la

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#137 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

James in humored indignance, "What type of asian do you take me for??" Stephanie, "a half asian"

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#157 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I really like fruit. I had this pear today..." -jeremydw

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