#450 + (0) -

14:10 <@michaeljin> kristine: when did you become so troll-y
14:11 <@kristine> michaeljin: I think it's the effects of this IRC

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#296 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

<milki> one twiki group? <acarlson> yah, or the nails-on-the-chalkboard group as I affectionally refer to it <ccowart> NOTC pronounced NAZI

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#293 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I mean, they shouldn't be enthusiastic or excitable or anything right? I want my sysadmins to be the most boring people I know." -mbdriscoll on sysadmin selection criteria

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#367 + (0) -
4/26/2011 17:26

10:22:02 wei> joshu: kevin: when is the email gonna go out
10:22:04 wei> about the picnic
10:22:05 wei> ?!?!?!
10:22:18 eleung> wei: didn't you get the memo? picnic is canceled
10:22:19 +joshu> uhm what
10:22:23 +joshu> why am I on this?
10:22:24 +joshu> o_O
10:22:29 +joshu> I am not lead unixsys or even senior ...
10:22:30 %kberlin> unixsys is
10:22:32 wei> joshu: I saw you last edited that twiki page
10:22:36 wei> for the picnic
10:22:37 wei> is why
10:22:38 +joshu> ah okay
10:22:41 +joshu> no clue :D
10:22:41 eleung> lol
10:22:46 dsmith> coming when it's done!
10:23:02 wei> omgah dun want picnic to be epic failure
10:23:04 wei> no one shows up
10:23:11 +joshu> the picnic will be fine!
10:23:20 gms> it's free food
10:23:20 +joshu> Oceania has always been having a picnic with Eastasia
10:23:25 gms> people will show up
10:23:41 %kberlin> joshu: lol
10:23:46 %kberlin> IT'S REQUIRED
10:24:19 dsmith> picnic attendance is mandatory!
10:24:28 +joshu> Oh no!
10:24:31 +joshu> It's not a pet license!
10:24:33 +joshu> It's a FISHING license!
10:24:36 +joshu> AND IT'S MANDATORY
10:24:42 %kberlin> DIVERSION!
10:24:42 -!- kevin changed the topic of #general to: Picnic this Saturday

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#286 + (1) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Camping is intense!" -milki "Yeah... wait, why?" -dex "Because there are tents. And you're inside them." -milki

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#155 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Is that all that's left for you? Sipping a soda?" -Perry, to Dexter, in 125 Cory

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#469 + (0) -

17:33 < dm> I think chicks like a different kind of crotch rocket.

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#16 + (0) -
2/7/2010 6:35


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#371 + (0) -
5/11/2011 21:08

14:04:27 < perry> wow, csco planning layoffs
14:04:33 < gms> ya
14:04:33 < victor> wewt
14:04:37 < gms> not surprising
14:04:41 < perry> Chambers said the company plans a "workforce reduction," the
scope of which will be decided over the summer.
14:04:47 < victor> geegee
14:05:04 < victor> just following nokia's lead
14:05:05 < victor> lol
14:05:05 < ^_^> perry: well good thing i dont work for cisco
14:05:07 < victor> axe all the engineers
14:05:14 < perry> lol
14:05:20 < kevin> they're probably not axing too many engineers
14:05:20 <+joshu> axe them what?
14:05:41 < calvin> axe about them
14:06:07 < dm> lol
14:06:46 < dm> axe them to not work anymore?

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#497 + (2) -

09:21 < kristine> Did you rub yourself all over it
09:22 < achang> Not ALL of myself
09:25 < kristine> You have disappointed your ancestors

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