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"I'm not trained to talk to people..." -- Minh Tran
19:02 <kristine> Fuck
10:01 <@calvin> i hear ruby's community is filled with a bunch of asshole neckbeards 10:01 < gms> probably 10:01 < perry> lol
08:32 < kristine> You guys didn't come...? 08:33 < kristine> :( 09:14 <@eleung> kristine: of all the ways you could have phrased that question, you chose that one 09:17 < kristine> eleung: I haet you 09:17 < kristine> hate*
11:53 < jch> keenanp jsamwang I dont wannnna be old :( :( 11:54 < keenanp> Too bad. 11:55 <@kristine> jch: You're married 11:55 <@kristine> You're already old 11:56 < jch> kristine: stab to the heart bro 11:56 < jch> it's ok, my new years resolution is to be a silver fox 11:56 < jch> the first asian silver fox no less 11:56 <@kristine> What does that mean 11:57 < keenanp> My hair is starting to go gray 11:57 < keenanp> Little bits on the sides. Has been for years. 11:57 <@kristine> Oh 11:57 < keenanp> As long as I don't go bald, I'm fine with being a silver fox (if that's what a silver fox is) 11:57 <@kristine> Is that what it means 11:57 < jch> kristine: it's like a 2nd puberty for guys 11:57 < jch> when they go from man 11:58 < jch> to gorgeous man 11:58 <@kristine> . 11:58 < dm> lolll
"I have a headache." "There's some ibuprofen in the break room." "No, that's ok. I can tank it." -- Minh Tran
16:18 < ccowart> #foodP!!1 16:18 < milki> no 16:19 < milki> its called #general 16:19 -!- milki was kicked from #general by ccowart [ccowart]
"Hello! We are Residential Computing. We control your internet." -aonwiler at Cal Day
"Retarded is my name!~~" - Minh
"I couldn't help you in BigFix because I didn't have any envelopes." -dburban