#326 + (0) -
7/18/2010 0:13

16:03 < mattea> ccowart: do you remember? was it blee or something, who was locked out and did something random
on hal to get our attention
16:04 < briandef> hal.rescomp.berkeley.edu : Jan 14 17:29:20 : kevin : user NOT in sudoers ;
16:04 < briandef> TTY=ttyp6 ; PWD=/export/home/kevin ; USER=root ; COMMAND=get me into the
16:04 < briandef> building because mattea didnt have my keycard activated yet and the doors locked
16:04 < briandef> at 5

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#156 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Through confusion we rise." -Perry on 150

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#502 + (0) -

eleung [18:48]

eleung [18:48]
Im in line at the apple store

eleung [18:48]
Theyre in stock but they domt have enough people to help the tards set them up

eleung [18:48]
This is stupid

eleung [18:48]
Just sell me the phone

milki [18:49]
are you one of the tards?

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#383 + (0) -
8/3/2011 17:29

10:26 < gms> sometimes effort isn't worth it to maintain your principles

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#15 + (0) -
2/7/2010 6:21


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#34 + (0) -
3/18/2010 22:39


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#248 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Dex: "I can't believe how much crap I've been getting from others about fighting you to a draw." Stephanie: "Aw, I didn't know that you went through all that. I should have thrown the fight."

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#77 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"The errors we're seeing are errors that we've never, ever, ever seen before. We tried Googling them and nothing even came up. So, we just hope those computers are messed up." - crh, 1.5 hours before be secure final master is due

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#367 + (0) -
4/26/2011 17:26

10:22:02 wei> joshu: kevin: when is the email gonna go out
10:22:04 wei> about the picnic
10:22:05 wei> ?!?!?!
10:22:18 eleung> wei: didn't you get the memo? picnic is canceled
10:22:19 +joshu> uhm what
10:22:23 +joshu> why am I on this?
10:22:24 +joshu> o_O
10:22:29 +joshu> I am not lead unixsys or even senior ...
10:22:30 %kberlin> unixsys is
10:22:32 wei> joshu: I saw you last edited that twiki page
10:22:36 wei> for the picnic
10:22:37 wei> is why
10:22:38 +joshu> ah okay
10:22:41 +joshu> no clue :D
10:22:41 eleung> lol
10:22:46 dsmith> coming when it's done!
10:23:02 wei> omgah dun want picnic to be epic failure
10:23:04 wei> no one shows up
10:23:11 +joshu> the picnic will be fine!
10:23:20 gms> it's free food
10:23:20 +joshu> Oceania has always been having a picnic with Eastasia
10:23:25 gms> people will show up
10:23:41 %kberlin> joshu: lol
10:23:46 %kberlin> IT'S REQUIRED
10:24:19 dsmith> picnic attendance is mandatory!
10:24:28 +joshu> Oh no!
10:24:31 +joshu> It's not a pet license!
10:24:33 +joshu> It's a FISHING license!
10:24:36 +joshu> AND IT'S MANDATORY
10:24:42 %kberlin> DIVERSION!
10:24:42 -!- kevin changed the topic of #general to: Picnic this Saturday

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#390 + (0) -
10/21/2011 22:58

10:35 < milki> :|
10:35 < milki> ._.
10:35 < milki> |:
10:35 < milki> .--.
10:35 < milki> :|
10:35 < milki> DO A BARREL ROLL!

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