#20 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:31

17:10 < tmmecke> vinod: LOL why do you need to know java?
17:31 <@vinod> tmmecke: To succeed in the game of life, you must know Java!
17:31 <@vinod> and to ensure that interview questions don't completely pwn you >_> :P
17:43 < tmmecke> lol
17:44 < tmmecke> just claim you like C
17:44 < tmmecke> then they won't ask you pesky java questions :P

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#270 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Wow, a car is so much faster than walking" -gms, in awe. "Do you like these horseless carriages gms?" -dm

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#193 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"IT CHUNKS!!! IT CHUNKS!!!" - Minh, on his EE122 project

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#277 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

<@stephen_tu> milki: stop failing < ccowart> stephen_tu: that's like telling an alcoholic not to drink

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#417 + (0) -
8/24/2012 22:57

15:41 <@kristine> I see
15:41 < silent> All I see her booooobs.

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#198 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

dennis: "minh, i have some good news for you." minh: "what?! AM I GETTING A CAR?" dennis: "no, no you are not."

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#130 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

[insert rescomp story about unix command "df"]; Jesse: That pretty much sums up my work last week.

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#426 + (0) -
10/25/2012 23:43

16:05 < dm> lol gj silent
16:05 < silent> Dex: Gj all overing my desk lamp.
16:05 < dm> waT
16:05 < milki> wat
16:05 < gms> kinky
16:06 < dm> LOL
16:06 < keenanp> CPS is going to take infact away from us. :(
16:08 < ccowart> :(
16:16 <@calvin> :(
16:27 < Dex> What that is something I never said
16:27 < Dex> What are you doing to my flawless reputation silent
16:27 < silent> What are you even doing right now - LEFT-HANDED. Flawless, too.
16:27 < jsamwang> what

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#397 + (0) -
1/6/2012 18:45

15:08 < vinod> infact: youre unvited to my lemonparty!

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#90 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I just got a warning that something something was ambiguous." -- jim, on perl

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