#479 + (0) -

13:10 < dm> Christian Bale lol
13:10 < dm> do you like his voice
13:10 < dm> hehehe
13:10 < dm> or should I say
13:10 < dm> huhuhuhuhh

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#184 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Maybe someday in the future, you can be a dilf." ~Kristina to Brian Toy

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#468 + (0) -

2:10 < milki> mht: aneesh: i have no idea what one of these things is though
12:10 < milki> its like sticky and white and hard
12:10 < milki> and long
12:10 * milki doesnt know what it does
12:11 < milki> i should take a picture of it

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#23 + (0) -
2/7/2010 17:31

03:08 <+meastham> bahaha
03:08 <+meastham> sober enough to unlock my ssh key

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#257 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

11:33 < victor> instead of microsoft we'll be...massivehard

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#485 + (0) -

11:03 < kristine> dm: I liked achang's team slutting

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#12 + (0) -
12:41:23 02/15/2021

18:50 < ccowart> 3334777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
18:53 <@victor> pwned?
19:13 < dm> might be a stray pet

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#62 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Would you like a Gentoo LiveCD that _won't_ fubar your computer?" -ccowart

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#374 + (0) -
6/8/2011 8:24

It works!

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#55 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"LoJack for laptops is $15/month. You could pay for WoW with that... LoJack for laptops is worthless anyway. You could just subpoena the WoW server for connection information and it would be LoJack for free!" -dchen

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