#417 + (0) -
8/24/2012 22:57

15:41 <@kristine> I see
15:41 < silent> All I see her booooobs.

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#111 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"So that's why the fish cam doesn't point at the couch!" -mattr

Tags: No tags
#9 + (1) -
16:07:40 12/02/21

jch: [15:01] haha ooops, saw a typo in my PR need to send you a new on dm

Tags: jch
#26 + (0) -
3/2/2010 2:14

Asking michaeljin to pose for hiring photos:

"Michaeljin, I need your body!"

Tags: No tags
#165 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Come with me Randy, I'll teach you everything I know. Which is nothing. Literally nothing. I've been working on it for over a year. Well, I actually know a little more than nothing." - Minh

Tags: No tags
#192 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"we're not getting rid of some toys. there are some toys you just can't get rid of. *GASP* THE LIGHT BRIGHT?!" - keenanp, in reference to the throwing away of toys

Tags: No tags
#262 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

12:11 < dchen> man, if I ever become a professor, I'm going to make a hella shitty class 12:11 < dchen> it'll be called like "Practical Systems Administration" 12:11 < dchen> and immediately after the drop deadline, it'll become a class purely focused on relational algebra

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#379 + (0) -
7/22/2011 1:15

17:46 <@milki> ???�?�????? ???
18:09 <@dm> milki: yes.

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#398 + (0) -
1/18/2012 23:03

23:31 < ^_^> apparently LA county is getting one step closer to requiring condoms for adult film shoots
23:31 < ^_^> could drive that multi-billion dollar industry out of SFV
23:32 < ^_^> or is it SGV
23:32 < ^_^> i could never rmemember which valley its in
23:53 <@eleung> san fernando valley
23:53 <@eleung> chatsworth is where the porn is filmed n such
23:53 < ^_^> well, maybe not for long
23:54 < ^_^> i guess you could say that the city really wants to keep this stuff under wraps
23:54 < ^_^> YEAHHHHHH

*capcha "the sraepr"*

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#109 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

I'm going to the Asian food place in the Asian Ghetto. --Jesse

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