#135 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

crh to terrio: "You joined the enemy with that sysadmin team. You know that netsec and sysadmin are like *fighting motions* ..."

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#132 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You're backside looks very fatherly." -stephanie to ccowart

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#194 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Isn't it a wonderful thing when your favorite internet radio station has been playing your favorite songs for the past 2 hours?"..."it wasnt actually playing internet radio, it was playing my playlist, AAAAARGH" -- jeremy

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#399 + (0) -
1/25/2012 17:52

09:50 <@^_^> man over the past few months, my fb has undergone this huge shift
09:50 < milkibot> http://tinyurl.com/7eugujw
09:50 <@^_^> so many ppl i knew from highschools that used to suck obama's nuts
09:50 <@^_^> after graduating and working
09:50 <@^_^> are moving over to ron paul
09:50 <@^_^> it's pretty hilarious
09:50 <@^_^> it's like the new fad
09:50 <@^_^> old man lovin'

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#486 + (0) -

16:06 < dm> nothing unifies #general like kristine breaking google

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#274 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Some ancient cultures believed that ramen brought us closer to God." -kberlin on the secret ingredient

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#403 + (0) -
3/9/2012 22:46

14:24 < acarlson> i have wondered about that place though, everyone else in my
family loves coffee so i'll send em there
14:41 < kelly> the carlson's filtering through rockridge bart
14:41 < kelly> percolating their thoughts
14:42 < kelly> straining their eyes to see the sights
14:42 < kelly> *carlsons
14:42 < kelly> .....
14:42 < kelly> by any beans necessary...
14:42 < victor> kelly: wow.
14:42 < kelly> don't make me espresso myself all alone
14:42 < victor> *claps*
14:44 < kelly> victor: are you being sarcastic
14:44 < victor> kelly: why would you accuse me of such a thing
14:44 < kelly> victor: if you aren't - thanks! if you are.. you mocha me sick
14:44 < vinod> LOL
14:47 < aneesh> am I latte to the puns? I guess so
14:47 < aneesh> QQ
14:49 < kelly> aneesh: crema me a river
14:50 < aneesh> kelly: this is definitely reasonable grounds for that
14:52 < kelly> i knew you had a good one brewing
14:53 < aneesh> we're going to run out of bad joes eventually
14:53 < joshu> burr with us, we've got a few more to grind out
14:55 < kelly> joshu: or maybe we'll just keep gaining steam
14:56 < joshu> Kenya keep it up much longer?
15:05 < kelly> joshu: aren't you a cu"tea"
15:05 < kelly> cue...tea...
15:05 < kelly> fine i'm done okay, is everyone here happy!?
15:06 < aneesh> the puns aren't that bad, they haven't made anyone leaf yet
15:08 < joshu> yeah I think this pun conversation has gone on oolong.
15:08 < kelly> if they do i guess it's just not their cuppa tea
15:08 < vinod> i dont know
15:08 < vinod> how long this quip is going to get
15:08 < aneesh> vinod: just splut the tea into its own one
15:08 < aneesh> *split
15:09 < joshu> no need for brevitea
15:09 < vinod> LOL
15:11 < kelly> joshu: i guess this is your specialtea
15:11 < joshu> i chai my best
15:13 < kelly> this one might go on for oolong time

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#237 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"amazingly we have no new bugs" - muqing 6/20/08

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#217 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"talking about these deadlines... i feel like my integrity is gradually being eroded away" -- dennis, on programmers meeting deadlines

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#466 + (0) -

14:46 < milki> its like someone just all overed my salad
14:49 < milki> i do that sometimes to though
14:49 < milki> some people like it like that i guess

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