#295 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Hello! We are Residential Computing. We control your internet." -aonwiler at Cal Day

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#353 + (0) -
1/31/2011 16:07

01:03 < milki> tiny ones arent that interesting >.>

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#9 + (1) -
16:07:40 12/02/21

jch: [15:01] haha ooops, saw a typo in my PR need to send you a new on dm

Tags: jch
#450 + (0) -

14:10 <@michaeljin> kristine: when did you become so troll-y
14:11 <@kristine> michaeljin: I think it's the effects of this IRC

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#397 + (0) -
1/6/2012 18:45

15:08 < vinod> infact: youre unvited to my lemonparty!

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#169 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Retarded is my name!~~" - Minh

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#402 + (0) -
3/8/2012 5:36

20:40 <@^_^> victor: this is an ipad, not a cock

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#516 + (0) -
18:15:46 05/10/2021

jch:pizza: 15:29
is your house insulted? felt that made such a huge difference in comfort
kristine:corgi4: 16:49
Insulted :thinking_face:
jsamwang 15:34
I’m sure the house was very offended

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#147 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I don't need the status. I like being white." ~achang, on his MacBook

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#387 + (0) -
10/8/2011 22:01


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