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Do a barrel roll!!
simon: "You're still underpaying..." ccowart: "I owe you twenty two and a half cents..." simon: "I'll keep that in mind."
13:52 < keenanp> I really enjoyed driving the Outback when I test drove one, but my wife kept on calling me a lesbian for wanting to buy one
"Fine, make it an agenda item, we have time". - Anna (on Minh on being evil with Facebook and the ensuing Lead Staff discussion)
23:09 <@vinod> dammit wrong channel'd the wrong channel message 23:09 <@vinod> lol 00:13 <@aneesh> nice 00:13 <@aneesh> vinod: doublefail 05:19 < dm> aneesh: What does it MEAN?? 05:20 <@aneesh> dm: it's so beautiful 05:21 * dm breaks down and cries.
23:31 < ^_^> apparently LA county is getting one step closer to requiring condoms for adult film shoots 23:31 < ^_^> could drive that multi-billion dollar industry out of SFV 23:32 < ^_^> or is it SGV 23:32 < ^_^> i could never rmemember which valley its in 23:53 <@eleung> san fernando valley 23:53 <@eleung> chatsworth is where the porn is filmed n such 23:53 < ^_^> well, maybe not for long 23:54 < ^_^> i guess you could say that the city really wants to keep this stuff under wraps 23:54 < ^_^> YEAHHHHHH *capcha "the sraepr"*
a trade a day keeps the IRS away
16:39 < dm> Magic8Ball: What if I like Thunderbird and not Outlook? 16:39 < Magic8Ball> dm: Outlook not so good
21:44 < vinod> Rumors circulating the internet of a fan stabbing another attendee in the eye over coveted seats, and of a victim clad in a " Harry Potter T-shirt soaked in blood," are inaccurate, according to authorities. 21:45 < vinod> ..... 21:49 <%victor> lol 21:50 < kberlin> so that rumor is a... fan fiction?
"Guitar Hero? Oh? It's just like sex. You take what you can get" -- Dexter