#133 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

On vim tutor: "Just do it before you go to bed." -yontege

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#174 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I have a headache." "There's some ibuprofen in the break room." "No, that's ok. I can tank it." -- Minh Tran

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#467 + (0) -

16:38 < milki> the stretchier they are, the less likely ill tear them with my
sheer muscle strenght in my sleep

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#166 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Cowart: "How was the retreat?" Jeremy: "The food was good."

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#86 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"How do I pipe only STDERR to STDIN? Redirects use real files, pipes just create file descriptors..." -Chris "So they're pseudofiles?" -melcher

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#476 + (0) -

17:56 <%dchen> i'll try to have 2.1 kids
17:56 <@kristine> What are you going to do with the .1?!
17:56 <%dchen> i dunno
17:56 <%dchen> love it 1/10 as much as the other ones I guess

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#253 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

What does circe stand for? Captive in room connection excitement? -eleung

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#324 + (0) -
7/15/2010 20:53

13:49 < meastham> I think the world would be a better place everybody was an
13:49 < meastham> special exceptions may be made for mathematicians
13:49 < kiyoshi> lol
13:50 < ccowart> are you kidding?
13:50 < ccowart> nobody would talk to each other and there would be no progeny
13:50 < meastham> no
13:50 < meastham> eh
13:50 < meastham> kids are overrated
13:50 < jeffy> lol
13:50 < perry> so true, stupid kids
13:50 < ccowart> spoken like an engineer
13:50 < ccowart> again
13:50 < meastham> so annoying
13:51 < meastham> they only reason anybody ever has them is they get to be like 30 and then a fuse blows in their brain and they become baby making zombies

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#178 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I like 19 minute meetings" - Greg, at the end of a meeting. "I can only think of 18 things I like better" - George

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#251 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

jeffie: "Ah man, I sat on my banana. No wonder my back was so wet..."

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