#111 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"So that's why the fish cam doesn't point at the couch!" -mattr

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#181 + (-1) -
5/27/2010 0:34

dchen, "You've been in rescomp 4 years?" stephanie, "no, 3." dchen. "You're only two years older? Why are you so much more mature than me?" (This is funny because Stephanie looks 16).

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#392 + (0) -
11/14/2011 1:31

17:16 <@vinod> FOUND IT!! zomg
17:16 <@vinod> okay it was a celine dion song with very similar lyrics
17:16 <@vinod> wang it
17:16 <@vinod> *dang
17:17 <@vinod> lol danwang it

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#419 + (0) -
9/3/2012 4:08

21:06 < ^_^> sigh i wish i had a boyfriend to cuddle with

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#427 + (0) -
10/30/2012 22:39

15:35 < perry> pretty cool
15:35 < milkibot> URL: Deep Inside a DNS Amplification DDoS Attack - CloudFlare blog
15:35 < milkibot> http://tinyurl.com/9qcc22e
15:35 <@^_^> deep inside
15:35 <@^_^> lolll
15:36 <@calvin> the technical merits lost on mu

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#337 + (0) -
9/15/2010 18:34

10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has joined #general
10:41 < jch> mht: mht: mht: YOU HAD A BABY??
10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has quit [Quit: Changing server]

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#438 + (0) -

18:10 <@^_^> does the topic imply that infact or milkibot will turn into skynet?
18:10 <%gms> probably silent
18:10 < silent> Is silent executing.
18:10 <@^_^> quite presumptious if you ask me considering both of them are

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#97 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

I know the career staff isn't cool, but what about the adults? --rohit, on the coolness of staff

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#487 + (0) -

10:52 <@mht> wtf is wrong with govt
10:52 <@kristine> Politicians
10:52 <@mht> except for arnold
10:52 <@mht> he doesnt lie to me
10:52 <@mht> he tells me he'll be back
10:52 <@mht> and he always comes back

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#155 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Is that all that's left for you? Sipping a soda?" -Perry, to Dexter, in 125 Cory

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