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14:10 <@michaeljin> kristine: when did you become so troll-y 14:11 <@kristine> michaeljin: I think it's the effects of this IRC
14:33 < ccowart> my name is jch. I'm a snooty tea lover.
11:03 < kristine> dm: I liked achang's team slutting
13:43 < ^_^> it's not that bad 13:43 < ^_^> it's like someone throwing a marble at you 13:45 <@dm> at 300fps 13:46 <@dm> think slingshot when you imagine "throwing" 13:47 < pipe> 300FRAMESPERSECOND? 13:47 < pipe> THATS SO GOOD 13:47 < pipe> SOOOO GOOOOOD
17:15 < vinod> aight peepz, staging be done. scotspin_ : will test that shizz soon mate...
06:41 < rishard> I never realized how many people were in general. 07:16 < mattea> it's the place to be 07:16 < mattea> esp for trolls 08:15 < calvin> gotta watch out for people like perry 08:15 < calvin> trollin alldayerrday 08:35 < kberlin> it's all he does 08:40 * calvin nods 09:26 < chand> general is like the Disneyland teacup ride. Everyone tries it, but most people just end up feeling sick.
13:17 < briandef> but, what have we learned from having 8 million passwords to your site leaked? 13:17 < briandef> stock price up 8 cents 13:17 < milki> lolwut
"Eat with the RCCs? We have higher standards now! Crossroads." - Simon (Snr. Staff)
13:55 <@dm> infact: vinod? 13:55 < infact> vinod is milki or not probably milki or vimniododoodlemacs or DERPY or infact or ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo or >_> or fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu or kickable or HEY QUIT ASKING ME ABOUT VINOD ALRIGHT???! or type /k vinod for full details or realy vinod. or you should set him on fire