#77 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"The errors we're seeing are errors that we've never, ever, ever seen before. We tried Googling them and nothing even came up. So, we just hope those computers are messed up." - crh, 1.5 hours before be secure final master is due

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#385 + (0) -
8/25/2011 16:09

23:35 < vinod> so cool because i can just derp the db and everyone works.

Job description for a Lead Programmer: Derp the DB while everyone else works (-kristine)

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#306 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

22:25 < willchen> Ah, yes. You should study for your midterm. 22:25 < willchen> We all know what happens if we neglect school 22:25 < hacos> haha, a certain role model exists

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#422 + (0) -
10/11/2012 5:00

21:59 < ^_^> ok coco single right here
21:59 < jsamwang> lol coco crisp
21:59 < silent> Oh snap, coco on base.
21:59 < gms> inb4k
21:59 < ^_^> THERE WE GO
21:59 < ^_^> COME ON
21:59 < gms> fuck
21:59 < ^_^> YEAHHH
21:59 < ^_^> thats it
21:59 < jsamwang> LOLOL
21:59 < ^_^> WOOOOO
21:59 < jsamwang> FAIL
21:59 < ^_^> silent called it
21:59 < gms> damn
21:59 < ^_^> LOLOLLLLL

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#247 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"That's quite a juicy peach you got there!" -chuck at efung "It's a plum." -eleung

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#98 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"What we need to do is eliminate the concept of a person all together!" ~ rohit, on semester goals (contracts)

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#20 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:31

17:10 < tmmecke> vinod: LOL why do you need to know java?
17:31 <@vinod> tmmecke: To succeed in the game of life, you must know Java!
17:31 <@vinod> and to ensure that interview questions don't completely pwn you >_> :P
17:43 < tmmecke> lol
17:44 < tmmecke> just claim you like C
17:44 < tmmecke> then they won't ask you pesky java questions :P

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#318 + (0) -
5/27/2010 22:41

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#273 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"* gms loves The Punisher" - gms

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#421 + (0) -
10/10/2012 19:21

12:06 * keenanp curses at repeat copyright violations.
12:06 < gms> lol
12:06 < keenanp> Dude, you were caught downloading that crappy movie last month. Why are you still sharing it?
12:06 < gms> sharing is caring
12:06 < infact> i already had it that way, gms.
12:06 < gms> lol
12:18 < dm> lol
12:18 < dm> just share all the thigns
12:20 < keenanp> People need to learn to just be selfish and leech

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