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10:06 <%meastham> ugh 10:07 <%meastham> coffee machine is so far away 10:07 <%meastham> have to go all the way up the stairs 10:09 < crimsonzen> #firstworldproblems
Dex: "I can't believe how much crap I've been getting from others about fighting you to a draw." Stephanie: "Aw, I didn't know that you went through all that. I should have thrown the fight."
At 17:14 Friday the 13th 2009, acarlson invoked the first ROFLCopter in irc.
"Hey, want to ride the elevator together?" -Kristina to Dchen
I know the career staff isn't cool, but what about the adults? --rohit, on the coolness of staff
22:00 < kberlin> I am not a pothead
10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has joined #general 10:41 < jch> mht: mht: mht: YOU HAD A BABY?? 10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has quit [Quit: Changing server]
jimmyngo [10:37] i was not invited to the orgy
16:38 < ccowart> but if I wear the crotch out of one more pair of jeans, I'm gonna have to find more appropriate clothing
"No, I'm not saying the URL will turn people off. I'm saying ResComp will turn people on" - jeremydw