#325 + (0) -
7/16/2010 17:12

10:06 <%meastham> ugh
10:07 <%meastham> coffee machine is so far away
10:07 <%meastham> have to go all the way up the stairs
10:09 < crimsonzen> #firstworldproblems

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#248 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Dex: "I can't believe how much crap I've been getting from others about fighting you to a draw." Stephanie: "Aw, I didn't know that you went through all that. I should have thrown the fight."

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#292 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

At 17:14 Friday the 13th 2009, acarlson invoked the first ROFLCopter in irc.

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#149 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Hey, want to ride the elevator together?" -Kristina to Dchen

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#97 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

I know the career staff isn't cool, but what about the adults? --rohit, on the coolness of staff

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#345 + (0) -
11/3/2010 5:01

22:00 < kberlin> I am not a pothead

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#337 + (0) -
9/15/2010 18:34

10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has joined #general
10:41 < jch> mht: mht: mht: YOU HAD A BABY??
10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has quit [Quit: Changing server]

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#6 + (2) -
11:58:38 12/02/21

jimmyngo [10:37] i was not invited to the orgy

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#47 + (0) -
5/26/2010 23:39

16:38 < ccowart> but if I wear the crotch out of one more pair of jeans, I'm gonna have to find more appropriate clothing

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#195 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"No, I'm not saying the URL will turn people off. I'm saying ResComp will turn people on" - jeremydw

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