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jeremydw: "Do you guys know any good dramadies?" crh: "What about those afromantic-scifi-dramadies?"
09:49 < waf> universe has not had a dump for 24 hours
12:05 < kristine> (fuck y'all)
20:37 < briandef> http://rapidshare.com/files/290527109/Survivor.S19E04.HDTV.XVID-BAJSKORV.part1.rar 20:37 < briandef> oh noes
10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has joined #general 10:41 < jch> mht: mht: mht: YOU HAD A BABY?? 10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has quit [Quit: Changing server]
13:49 <@kristine> vinod: vinod 13:49 < vinod> vinod working bus schedules Ramen top ! 13:49 < vinod> silent: silent 13:49 * silent kicks silent harder (!) gahhh. 13:49 * vinod has successfully switched personalities with silent
13:49 < meastham> I think the world would be a better place everybody was an engineer 13:49 < meastham> special exceptions may be made for mathematicians 13:49 < kiyoshi> lol 13:50 < ccowart> are you kidding? 13:50 < ccowart> nobody would talk to each other and there would be no progeny 13:50 < meastham> no 13:50 < meastham> eh 13:50 < meastham> kids are overrated 13:50 < jeffy> lol 13:50 < perry> so true, stupid kids 13:50 < ccowart> spoken like an engineer 13:50 < ccowart> again 13:50 < meastham> so annoying 13:51 < meastham> they only reason anybody ever has them is they get to be like 30 and then a fuse blows in their brain and they become baby making zombies
10:06 < dm> oh hayward. 10:06 < infact> hayward is a piece of shit 10:06 <@gms> lollll 10:06 < dm> yes infact, yes. 10:06 < dm> sometimes I cry.
"We'll love them, we'll care for them, and then we'll eat them." -Greg Snow, referring to the revival of the rescomp office fish
08:58 < keenanp> WTF CyberCoders. Stop sending me recruitment email. I can neither code nor can I cyber. 08:59 <@eleung> cybering 08:59 <@eleung> what's that 08:59 < keenanp> I'll show you someday.