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10:52 <@mht> wtf is wrong with govt 10:52 <@kristine> Politicians 10:52 <@mht> except for arnold 10:52 <@mht> he doesnt lie to me 10:52 <@mht> he tells me he'll be back 10:52 <@mht> and he always comes back
13:15 < gms> hm life of pi is coming out too 13:15 < gms> too much stuff is coming out 13:15 < gms> D: 13:24 < ccowart> gms: twss
19:45 < kberlin> yeah 19:56 < joshu> fffuuuu epistemology 19:56 < joshu> do not ask "how do we know what we know" 19:56 < joshu> ask instead "why should I give a crap" 20:50 < ^_^> joshu: becuase if you don't your colon might assplode 20:53 < joshu> then it would be 20:53 < joshu> a semi-colon 20:53 < kberlin> YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
10:36 < rhsu> Woo, just got a Bluetooth keyboard so I could use it with my iPad. 11:39 < willchen> ...isn't that like fitting a giant spoiler to a civic?
15:32 * silent stashes dm. 15:32 < dm> lol I've been stashed. 15:32 < dm> someone pop me out plx 15:32 < gms> git stash pop 15:32 < dm> I need to be checked in
At 17:14 Friday the 13th 2009, acarlson invoked the first ROFLCopter in irc.
11:33 < victor> instead of microsoft we'll be...massivehard
13:37 < milki> major tab completion fail. What I meant was: source ~/.bash_profile, but what I typed was: source ~/.bash_history !!! NEVER DO THIS !!! 13:38 < milki> lol 13:38 < vinod> .____. 13:38 < vinod> oh gosh 13:38 < vinod> lol 13:38 < dm> lol
jeremydw: "Do you guys know any good dramadies?" crh: "What about those afromantic-scifi-dramadies?"
11:34 < keenanp> I do enjoy butt tracking systems