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dchen 13:52 i remember around december, my android phone was like YOU HAVE TO UPDATE NOW OR ULL GET HACKED GOGOGOGOG 13:52 and i don't remember it ever doing that before
jch [16:26] paying principle is for chumps
vinod: guess i get two lunches while the intern starves
achang [09:15] i could use more fart jokes today
dthorman [11:44] Not sure Vinod would want to support other living thing besides himself
jimmyngo [10:37] i was not invited to the orgy
jch: [15:01] haha ooops, saw a typo in my PR need to send you a new on dm
jch:pizza: [11:04 PM]TMUSK(topic) - time in milliseconds since musk tweeted about `topic`
16:18 < ccowart> #foodP!!1 16:18 < milki> no 16:19 < milki> its called #general 16:19 -!- milki was kicked from #general by ccowart [ccowart]
18:50 < ccowart> 3334777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 18:53 <@victor> pwned? 19:13 < dm> might be a stray pet