#373 + (0) -
5/15/2011 6:39

23:38 < vinod> >.>
23:38 <+joshu> so you intended to punch yourself?
23:39 < milki> LOL
23:39 < vinod> at one point
23:39 < vinod> yeah
23:39 < vinod> but
23:39 < vinod> it was
23:39 < vinod> well okay
23:39 <+joshu> just .. not hard enough to dislocate your jaw
23:39 < vinod> THIS IS OUT OF CONTEXT
23:39 < milki> HAHAHAH
23:39 <+joshu> and who's to blame for that?
23:39 < milki> VINOD!
23:39 < vinod> i
23:39 <+joshu> it's been dislocated from context?
23:39 < vinod> ....
23:39 <%kberlin> wow
23:39 <+joshu> too soon?
23:39 < milki> your jaw is out of context?
23:39 <%kberlin> this conversation

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#374 + (0) -
6/8/2011 8:24

It works!

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#375 + (0) -
7/4/2011 20:57

13:55 <@dm> infact: vinod?
13:55 < infact> vinod is milki or not probably milki or vimniododoodlemacs or DERPY or infact or ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo or >_> or fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu or kickable or HEY QUIT ASKING ME ABOUT VINOD ALRIGHT???! or type /k vinod for full details or realy vinod. or you should set him on fire

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#376 + (0) -
7/6/2011 5:59

22:48 <jimmyngo> ok everything looks good time for drugs

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#377 + (0) -
7/9/2011 14:54

11:11 < vinod> lolagicball?
11:11 < vinod> derp :/
11:11 <@dm> NO
11:12 <@dm> we do not want your 8less balls here
11:12 < vinod> >...>

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#378 + (0) -
7/14/2011 18:05

10:40 <@milki> gaah
10:40 <@milki> i all over my shirt again -.-
10:40 < gms> :o
10:40 <@milki> but it feels nice
10:40 <@milki> so its ok
10:40 < gms> >.>

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#379 + (0) -
7/22/2011 1:15

17:46 <@milki> ???�?�????? ???
18:09 <@dm> milki: yes.

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#380 + (0) -
7/29/2011 17:07

10:01 <@calvin> i hear ruby's community is filled with a bunch of asshole neckbeards
10:01 < gms> probably
10:01 < perry> lol

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#381 + (0) -
7/29/2011 17:27

17:09 < justjake> new shiny things that are broken are my favorites
17:09 * justjake is a rails hipster?
17:10 < justjake> I played with Rails for a bit but never had enough time to
really learn it or make it useful
17:10 < briandef> nor has any other railz developer
17:10 < briandef> BOOM
17:10 < tmmecke> briandef: too true, too true
17:10 < justjake> then I meh'd when i got into berkeley
17:10 < victor> briandef: all your procurement!
17:10 < victor> are belong to us
17:10 < justjake> briandef: lol too true

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#382 + (0) -
8/2/2011 0:28

17:26 < ^_^> perry: days go by and still i think of you
17:26 < perry> i see...

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