#393 + (0) -
12/15/2011 18:58

10:54 <@^_^> omg so last night i had this dream that i was on a plane
10:54 <@^_^> that got shot down by nazi's
10:54 <@^_^> and then everyone was getting chased by the nazis
10:55 <@^_^> crash landed in somewhere in germany
10:55 <@^_^> so i tried to pretend to be japanese so at least they'd be like
"well, he's on the same side as us"
10:55 <@^_^> and when they asked me for my name, the first japanese name i came
up with was kiyoshi matsui
10:57 * dm will call mu brad matsui from now on

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#394 + (0) -
12/27/2011 21:30

13:26 < dm> I have chinese daughter, lemme go farm her out to some penis tour

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#395 + (0) -
1/1/2012 2:11

18:10:22 <+justjake> why should I trust you
18:10:28 <@vinod> i'm vinod
18:10:31 <+justjake> you make shanks
18:10:36 <@vinod> no one knows that.
18:10:39 <@vinod> >..
18:10:40 <@vinod> <.<
18:10:40 <@vinod> >.>
18:10:45 <@vinod> you can trust me with all your data ^^
18:10:54 * vinod security knowledge yes yes good

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#396 + (0) -
1/6/2012 18:36

10:31 < wtai> i keep foretting my passwords
10:31 < wtai> UGH
10:31 <@gms> keepass?
10:33 <@victor> keep ass?
10:35 < dm> victor: yes

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#397 + (0) -
1/6/2012 18:45

15:08 < vinod> infact: youre unvited to my lemonparty!

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#398 + (0) -
1/18/2012 23:03

23:31 < ^_^> apparently LA county is getting one step closer to requiring condoms for adult film shoots
23:31 < ^_^> could drive that multi-billion dollar industry out of SFV
23:32 < ^_^> or is it SGV
23:32 < ^_^> i could never rmemember which valley its in
23:53 <@eleung> san fernando valley
23:53 <@eleung> chatsworth is where the porn is filmed n such
23:53 < ^_^> well, maybe not for long
23:54 < ^_^> i guess you could say that the city really wants to keep this stuff under wraps
23:54 < ^_^> YEAHHHHHH

*capcha "the sraepr"*

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#399 + (0) -
1/25/2012 17:52

09:50 <@^_^> man over the past few months, my fb has undergone this huge shift
09:50 < milkibot> http://tinyurl.com/7eugujw
09:50 <@^_^> so many ppl i knew from highschools that used to suck obama's nuts
09:50 <@^_^> after graduating and working
09:50 <@^_^> are moving over to ron paul
09:50 <@^_^> it's pretty hilarious
09:50 <@^_^> it's like the new fad
09:50 <@^_^> old man lovin'

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#400 + (0) -
1/29/2012 10:01

01:59 < milki> i dunno!
01:59 < vinod> i dunno!
02:00 < milki> silent: do you know?
02:00 < silent> All we know you, but do you?
02:00 < vinod> silent: Nothing you do, know we you?
02:00 < silent> We do you know I have absolutely no idea, ^_^: ya nothing
02:00 < milki> wut
02:00 < vinod> =D

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#401 + (0) -
2/16/2012 3:39

19:09 < milki> silent: are you a brit?
19:09 < silent> He's my friend broke his leg though while we are struggling on
19:10 < milki> silent: that must have been an intense homework
19:10 < silent> Milki: Needs intense bike racing photo like this you could have
been an emergency.
19:23 < milki> silent: halp
19:23 < silent> Halp me halp you.
19:23 < milki> silent: i cant halp you
19:23 < silent> Halp me.
19:23 < milki> silent: no, halp me
19:23 < silent> DexDexDex: No, halp me halp you.
19:23 < milki> silent: gaaaaaaahhh
19:23 < silent> I guess, maybe i should get a shitty one.

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#402 + (0) -
3/8/2012 5:36

20:40 <@^_^> victor: this is an ipad, not a cock

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