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14:24 < acarlson> i have wondered about that place though, everyone else in my
family loves coffee so i'll send em there
14:41 < kelly> the carlson's filtering through rockridge bart
14:41 < kelly> percolating their thoughts
14:42 < kelly> straining their eyes to see the sights
14:42 < kelly> *carlsons
14:42 < kelly> .....
14:42 < kelly> by any beans necessary...
14:42 < victor> kelly: wow.
14:42 < kelly> don't make me espresso myself all alone
14:42 < victor> *claps*
14:44 < kelly> victor: are you being sarcastic
14:44 < victor> kelly: why would you accuse me of such a thing
14:44 < kelly> victor: if you aren't - thanks! if you are.. you mocha me sick
14:44 < vinod> LOL
14:47 < aneesh> am I latte to the puns? I guess so
14:47 < aneesh> QQ
14:49 < kelly> aneesh: crema me a river
14:50 < aneesh> kelly: this is definitely reasonable grounds for that
14:52 < kelly> i knew you had a good one brewing
14:53 < aneesh> we're going to run out of bad joes eventually
14:53 < joshu> burr with us, we've got a few more to grind out
14:55 < kelly> joshu: or maybe we'll just keep gaining steam
14:56 < joshu> Kenya keep it up much longer?
15:05 < kelly> joshu: aren't you a cu"tea"
15:05 < kelly> cue...tea...
15:05 < kelly> fine i'm done okay, is everyone here happy!?
15:06 < aneesh> the puns aren't that bad, they haven't made anyone leaf yet
15:08 < joshu> yeah I think this pun conversation has gone on oolong.
15:08 < kelly> if they do i guess it's just not their cuppa tea
15:08 < vinod> i dont know
15:08 < vinod> how long this quip is going to get
15:08 < aneesh> vinod: just splut the tea into its own one
15:08 < aneesh> *split
15:09 < joshu> no need for brevitea
15:09 < vinod> LOL
15:11 < kelly> joshu: i guess this is your specialtea
15:11 < joshu> i chai my best
15:13 < kelly> this one might go on for oolong time
11:38 < gms> ugh why would you do javascript password validation
11:38 * gms shakes fist
11:39 < tmmecke> .....LOL
11:39 < tmmecke> acarlson: good security or BEST security
11:39 < gms> it doesn't like my password that has pipes
11:39 < gms> and stuff
11:39 < gms> so I had to kill that validation function in the html
11:39 < tmmecke> its browser side...
11:39 < gms> problem solved
11:39 < gms> yup
11:39 < tmmecke> lol
11:39 < acarlson> oh god
11:39 < acarlson> if they're not doing equivalent validation on the server side, that is bad
11:40 < tmmecke> acarlson: you mean AMAZING
11:40 < gms> well it's just some filters to avoid bad chars or something
11:40 < acarlson> fine to do stuff on client side as long as it is for efficiency
11:40 < tmmecke> easiest way to take crypto load off the servers!
11:40 < gms> not the smartest thing to do
12:06 < nghi> marynguyen thinks everything is a scam...but most of the time this is true
13:22 < dm> is one supposed to wear underpants with a utili-kilt?
13:22 <@calvin> dm: no
13:22 <@calvin> :)
13:23 * dm would wear underpants anyway. Aerated balls are overrated.
13:25 <@^_^> dm: no
13:26 <@^_^> no underpants
13:26 <@calvin> dm: we spoke with the manager
13:26 <@calvin> dm: he said no
13:26 < dm> not even a manthong?
13:28 <@calvin> nope
13:28 < dm> I would break this rule.
13:28 < dm> just like I would break the belt AND suspenders at the same time
13:28 < dm> if I had suspenders
13:30 <@calvin> nope
13:30 <@calvin> they will be forcibly removed
13:30 < dm> your face should be forcibly removed
14:46 <@milki> tits....hot
13:17 < briandef> but, what have we learned from having 8 million passwords to your site leaked?
13:17 < briandef> stock price up 8 cents
13:17 < milki> lolwut
09:49 < waf> universe has not had a dump for 24 hours
12:21 < tyrus> i just realized that a half hour ago i cat'd a file and piped it to a new file instead of just copying the file
12:21 < tyrus> heh
13:16 < bspeth> just use dd
13:16 < bspeth> or ditto
13:19 < tyrus> i think you miss my point
13:19 < winst> tyrus: unix hipster, too cool for cp
14:10 <+^_^> all i've been doing the past 5 minutes is playing with it
14:11 <+ccowart> 14:10 <+^_^> all i've been doing the past 5 minutes is playing
with it
14:11 <+ccowart> fuck context.
14:11 <+^_^> ....
14:12 -!- ccowart changed the topic of #general to: 14:10 <+^_^> all i've been
doing the past 5 minutes is playing with it
14:20 < dm> ^_^: stop playing with it. Might fall off.
17:58 <@^_^> dude she could be your mom
17:58 < silent> Dude when i wish i could be your mom last night :(