#423 + (0) -
10/16/2012 20:15

13:14 < keenanp> I have a crappy choice in teams.

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#424 + (0) -
10/17/2012 20:23

11:22 < milki> why do data servers have so much ceiling room?
11:23 < gms> heat rises
11:24 < gms> you don't want it to collect to close to the servers
11:25 < keenanp> They need to make room for the clouds
11:25 < gms> lol

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#425 + (0) -
10/17/2012 23:40

16:26 < dm> kristine: I went to my hs prom while you were still fetal.
16:26 < gms> lolll
16:26 < jsamwang> lollllllllll
16:26 < keenanp> haha, dm is old. I'm glad I joined this channel now

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#426 + (0) -
10/25/2012 23:43

16:05 < dm> lol gj silent
16:05 < silent> Dex: Gj all overing my desk lamp.
16:05 < dm> waT
16:05 < milki> wat
16:05 < gms> kinky
16:06 < dm> LOL
16:06 < keenanp> CPS is going to take infact away from us. :(
16:08 < ccowart> :(
16:16 <@calvin> :(
16:27 < Dex> What that is something I never said
16:27 < Dex> What are you doing to my flawless reputation silent
16:27 < silent> What are you even doing right now - LEFT-HANDED. Flawless, too.
16:27 < jsamwang> what

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#427 + (0) -
10/30/2012 22:39

15:35 < perry> pretty cool
15:35 < milkibot> URL: Deep Inside a DNS Amplification DDoS Attack - CloudFlare blog
15:35 < milkibot> http://tinyurl.com/9qcc22e
15:35 <@^_^> deep inside
15:35 <@^_^> lolll
15:36 <@calvin> the technical merits lost on mu

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#428 + (0) -
10/31/2012 15:44

08:36 < achang> I'm dressed as Toad from Mario
08:36 < achang> but now I need to poop

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#429 + (0) -
11/12/2012 22:03

13:15 < gms> hm life of pi is coming out too
13:15 < gms> too much stuff is coming out
13:15 < gms> D:
13:24 < ccowart> gms: twss

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#430 + (0) -

14:31 < dm> resquip so broken, trying to add, trying to upvote

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#431 + (0) -

15:04 < dm> victor: I don't care about voting, I wanna post a quip

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#432 + (0) -

14:27 < milki> hah
14:27 < milki> someone on github is drunk and wants help
14:27 < milki> #github that is
14:28 < dm> lol
14:28 < dm> is it you milki?
14:28 < dm> :D
14:28 < milki> no, i dont need help on #github when im drunk
14:28 <@kristine> Lol
14:28 < milki> but i could use a swig
14:29 < dm> lol baller.
14:29 < dm> milki: so good.

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