#13 + (0) -
12:41:35 02/15/2021

17:07 < nbaldwin> it's /var/log/named
17:07 < jeffy> /var/log/named not rotated :(
17:07 < ccowart> ouch
17:07 < nbaldwin> yeah
17:07 < ccowart> it's not being rotated
17:07 < milki> it is not rotated
17:07 < jeffy> it's not rotated
17:08 < milki> rotated
17:08 < ccowart> echo foo
17:08 < milki> it is not
17:08 < nbaldwin> no tengo la rotation!
17:08 < jeffy> quiero rotation!
17:08 < ccowart> viva la rotation!
17:08 < victor> porque sin rotation
17:08 < jeffy> yo no se
17:08 < victor> PORQUE SIN TI
17:08 < victor> MI VIDA NO TIENE RAIZ
17:08 < ccowart> porque nbaldwin no sabe nada
17:09 < victor> D:
17:09 < jeffy> nbaldwin va a hacer la rotation?
17:09 < nbaldwin> si, si
17:10 < ccowart> no creo que rotation es la palabra
17:10 < jeffy> gracias gracias
17:10 < jeffy> es rotacion
17:10 < jeffy> lol
17:10 < ccowart> jeje

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#14 + (0) -
12:42:23 02/15/2021

21:27 < kberlin> port IDs are:
21:27 < kberlin> 11D, 12D, 13D, 14D, 23D, 17D, 18D, 41D, 36D, 21D, and 22D
21:28 < milki> whoa, thats a lot of sizes
21:28 < ccowart> wtf
21:28 < ccowart> they're all "shut"
21:28 < milki> D ranges that much?
21:28 < ccowart> milki: D means data
21:28 < milki> oo
21:28 < milki> not like D cup
21:28 < ccowart> O.O

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#15 + (0) -
2/7/2010 6:21


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#16 + (0) -
2/7/2010 6:35


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#17 + (0) -
2/7/2010 7:13

v(^_^)v <(..)> <(..<)

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#18 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:27

20:42 < vinod> i'm tired of eating this apple..
20:42 < vinod> it's getting kind of annoying actually.
20:42 < vinod> but if i don't eat it, i'll have to eat a fruit tmrw, and i don't know if i
can do that. hm.
20:42 < calvin> whatever milki, just blend it or something
20:42 < calvin> drink a smoothie
20:43 < vinod> calvin: talking to me?
20:43 < calvin> yeah
20:43 < vinod> it's 'vinod' bitch. -_-
20:43 < vinod> XD
20:43 < gms> LOL
20:43 < calvin> LOL
20:43 * calvin adds that to the quips file

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#19 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:30

21:27 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:27 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor

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#20 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:31

17:10 < tmmecke> vinod: LOL why do you need to know java?
17:31 <@vinod> tmmecke: To succeed in the game of life, you must know Java!
17:31 <@vinod> and to ensure that interview questions don't completely pwn you >_> :P
17:43 < tmmecke> lol
17:44 < tmmecke> just claim you like C
17:44 < tmmecke> then they won't ask you pesky java questions :P

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#21 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:33

01:32 < kberlin> ugh, ethics book: "Bill Gates worked hard to develop Microsoft."
01:32 < kberlin> I really
01:32 < kberlin> REALLY
01:32 < ^_^> kberlin: HAHAHAHA

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#22 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:51

meastham: sipping a mocha
kberlin sits at his mac
coding a rails app

Yesterday at 2:03am

kberlin: talk of rails makes
meastham code C++ while
quietly raging

Yesterday at 10:52am

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