#353 + (0) -
1/31/2011 16:07

01:03 < milki> tiny ones arent that interesting >.>

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#354 + (0) -
2/1/2011 6:35


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#355 + (0) -
2/12/2011 0:09

16:08 < efung> culver city
16:08 < efung> yeaboy
16:08 < efung> MAH HOOD
16:08 < milki> ?
16:08 < milki> efung: so like, lots of men?
16:08 < milki> thats like a sausage fest right?
16:08 < ^_^> LOLLLLLLLL

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#356 + (0) -
2/16/2011 21:02

12:51 +chevans: no
12:52 +chevans: just no
12:52 @richardhsu: no
12:52 +chevans: why?
12:54 @richardhsu: sure.
12:55 +chevans: k.
12:55 @richardhsu: fine.
12:55 +chevans: alright.
12:55 @richardhsu: good.
12:56 +chevans: Righteous.
12:57 @jimmyngo: Great.
12:58 +chevans: Fantastic.
12:58 @richardhsu: Settled.
12:58 +chevans: Never.
12:58 @richardhsu: Done.
12:58 +chevans: Sad.
12:58 @richardhsu: Fin.
12:58 +chevans: End.
12:59 @richardhsu: .

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#357 + (0) -
2/25/2011 18:25

06:41 < rishard> I never realized how many people were in general.
07:16 < mattea> it's the place to be
07:16 < mattea> esp for trolls
08:15 < calvin> gotta watch out for people like perry
08:15 < calvin> trollin alldayerrday
08:35 < kberlin> it's all he does
08:40 * calvin nods
09:26 < chand> general is like the Disneyland teacup ride. Everyone tries it, but most people just end up feeling sick.

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#358 + (0) -
3/2/2011 19:18

brb restarting
my comp is tripping balls

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#359 + (0) -
3/12/2011 18:21

23:09 <@vinod> dammit wrong channel'd the wrong channel message
23:09 <@vinod> lol
00:13 <@aneesh> nice
00:13 <@aneesh> vinod: doublefail
05:19 < dm> aneesh: What does it MEAN??
05:20 <@aneesh> dm: it's so beautiful
05:21 * dm breaks down and cries.

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#360 + (0) -
3/15/2011 23:56

16:50 <%acarlson> i don't necessarily hate them, i just hate that they are for profit businesses and this is a non-profit matter
16:51 <%acarlson> i also don't have an account with either lol
16:51 < dm> I guess traditional web forms is your way for now then.
16:51 <%acarlson> this is actually the best use of social networking i've seen though
16:53 < vinod> o.O
16:53 < crimsonzen> acarlson: are you saying that profit is not greatness in itself? </rand>
16:53 < dm> crimsonzen: <randwacker/>
16:54 <%acarlson> oh god
16:54 < crimsonzen> lol
16:54 < crimsonzen> Ayn Rand Wacker?
16:54 < gms> fuuu
16:55 <%aneesh> ah yes, a pioneer of Objectivism-Oriented Programming

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#361 + (0) -
3/15/2011 23:59

19:16 <+chevans> rishard: stop take all my internats!
19:16 < rishard> chevans: imma steal ur ip address
19:17 <%hnguyen> i'll interNAT your face
19:18 < rishard> oh look at hnguyen being all punny
19:19 <@kberlin> ACK, that's a terrible joke
19:19 <%hnguyen> ugh that joke is a SYN
19:19 <@kberlin> give it a RST

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#362 + (0) -
3/28/2011 22:06

15:03 < ^_^> that would be hilarious
15:03 < milki> is that possible?
15:04 < ^_^> i guess i'ts not different than reformating hal
15:04 < vinod> milki: do tyou have a script, that closes your windows
15:04 < milki> nothing in .irssi/config
15:04 < ^_^> i mean we all thought itw as probably impossible
15:04 < vinod> if you have too many windows
15:04 < vinod> lol
15:04 < ^_^> until ccowart did it
15:04 < vinod> milki: it seems you might have something closing your windows lol.....
15:04 < milki> AHAHAHAHAHHAHA
15:04 < vinod> because youre cleanly parting.
15:04 < vinod> lol
15:04 < milki> auto_leave.pl
15:04 < milki> >.>
15:04 < vinod> AHA
15:04 < vinod> I KNEW IT
15:04 < vinod> :D
15:04 < vinod> XD
15:04 < vinod> lolz
15:04 < milki> ok ok
15:04 < milki> my fault
15:04 < gms> lolz
15:04 < ^_^> wut?
15:04 < milki> i must have ragequitted
15:04 < ^_^> why do you have an auto_leave script?
15:05 < vinod> because
15:05 < vinod> people were
15:05 < ^_^> in perl no less
15:05 < ^_^> lol
15:05 < vinod> sajoining hm
15:05 < vinod> *him
15:05 < vinod> lol
15:05 < vinod> so if he ragequits
15:05 < vinod> even if ppl sajoin him back
15:05 < vinod> he'll quit
15:05 < vinod> lol
15:05 < ^_^> lollllllllllllllllll
15:05 < milki> ok...
15:05 < ^_^> nice
15:05 < ^_^> so milki *did* pwn himself
15:05 < milki> how do i kill the script >.>
15:05 < vinod> lolz
15:05 < gms> /script
15:05 < gms> ?
15:05 < ^_^> milki: sudo rm -rf /
15:05 < ^_^> will kill it for sure
15:05 < gms> /script unload
15:05 < gms> use /help
15:05 < gms> lol

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