#97 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

I know the career staff isn't cool, but what about the adults? --rohit, on the coolness of staff

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#485 + (0) -

11:03 < kristine> dm: I liked achang's team slutting

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#17 + (0) -
2/7/2010 7:13

v(^_^)v <(..)> <(..<)

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#465 + (0) -

14:53 < milki> huh
14:54 < milki> theres something hard sticking in my pants

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#392 + (0) -
11/14/2011 1:31

17:16 <@vinod> FOUND IT!! zomg
17:16 <@vinod> okay it was a celine dion song with very similar lyrics
17:16 <@vinod> wang it
17:16 <@vinod> *dang
17:17 <@vinod> lol danwang it

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#467 + (0) -

16:38 < milki> the stretchier they are, the less likely ill tear them with my
sheer muscle strenght in my sleep

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#195 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"No, I'm not saying the URL will turn people off. I'm saying ResComp will turn people on" - jeremydw

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#274 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Some ancient cultures believed that ramen brought us closer to God." -kberlin on the secret ingredient

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#168 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Hey Chris. We have too many quotes of Minh. Go quote me." - Devin.

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#250 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Mark: "She was Japanase....oh god *said in a lovestruck way*....I mean, I was trying to remember her name."

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