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18:52 < victor> damn how does google know mbp = macbook pro 18:52 < victor> so leet 18:52 < ^_^> as opposed to 18:56 < calvin> macbookpenis 18:56 < calvin> lolol dammit wrong channel
23:09 <@vinod> dammit wrong channel'd the wrong channel message 23:09 <@vinod> lol 00:13 <@aneesh> nice 00:13 <@aneesh> vinod: doublefail 05:19 < dm> aneesh: What does it MEAN?? 05:20 <@aneesh> dm: it's so beautiful 05:21 * dm breaks down and cries.
At 17:14 Friday the 13th 2009, acarlson invoked the first ROFLCopter in irc.
"Real men don't swoon. They dominate." --Victor
11:39 <@^_^> wewt cunt is here 11:39 <@^_^> FUUUUU 11:39 <@^_^> cun 11:39 < gms> lolll
Vanessa: "Angela has told us she wants statistics." Minh: "Now that she's told us what she wants i'll tell her what i want. I want a raise."
<simon> I know it's a big event, but I don't really have a thing for the Dalai Lama
12:21 < milki> omg 12:22 < milki> all this white stuff all overed my keyboard -.- 12:22 < milki> this is what i get for not paying attention -.- 12:22 < milki> i hope it doesnt get too sticky 12:23 <@kristine> ... 12:23 <@kristine> ... 12:23 <@kristine> ...
17:07 < nbaldwin> it's /var/log/named 17:07 < jeffy> /var/log/named not rotated :( 17:07 < ccowart> ouch 17:07 < nbaldwin> yeah 17:07 < ccowart> it's not being rotated 17:07 < milki> it is not rotated 17:07 < jeffy> it's not rotated 17:08 < milki> rotated 17:08 < ccowart> echo foo 17:08 < milki> it is not 17:08 < nbaldwin> no tengo la rotation! 17:08 < jeffy> quiero rotation! 17:08 < ccowart> viva la rotation! 17:08 < victor> porque sin rotation 17:08 < jeffy> yo no se 17:08 < victor> PORQUE SIN TI 17:08 < victor> MI VIDA NO TIENE RAIZ 17:08 < ccowart> porque nbaldwin no sabe nada 17:09 < victor> D: 17:09 < jeffy> nbaldwin va a hacer la rotation? 17:09 < nbaldwin> si, si 17:10 < ccowart> no creo que rotation es la palabra 17:10 < jeffy> gracias gracias 17:10 < jeffy> es rotacion 17:10 < jeffy> lol 17:10 < ccowart> jeje
"crunch is BC... Before Ccowart" -- ccowart