#427 + (0) -
10/30/2012 22:39

15:35 < perry> pretty cool
15:35 < milkibot> URL: Deep Inside a DNS Amplification DDoS Attack - CloudFlare blog
15:35 < milkibot> http://tinyurl.com/9qcc22e
15:35 <@^_^> deep inside
15:35 <@^_^> lolll
15:36 <@calvin> the technical merits lost on mu

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#198 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

dennis: "minh, i have some good news for you." minh: "what?! AM I GETTING A CAR?" dennis: "no, no you are not."

Tags: No tags
#47 + (0) -
5/26/2010 23:39

16:38 < ccowart> but if I wear the crotch out of one more pair of jeans, I'm gonna have to find more appropriate clothing

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#73 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

ccowart, "I want to be the one that takes the pain. You can spank me when I do not behave... And I love it when you hurt me" (singing Green Day, or so he says)

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#202 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I haven't seen a movie for a long time.... Wait, I saw one yesterday... Oh wait, that was for film class..." -Nikit

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#429 + (0) -
11/12/2012 22:03

13:15 < gms> hm life of pi is coming out too
13:15 < gms> too much stuff is coming out
13:15 < gms> D:
13:24 < ccowart> gms: twss

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#112 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"So, the new UPS we got is...uh...leaking silver gas." -Erik on, well, the new UPS

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#512 + (0) -
22:47:04 03/18/2021

milki 13:34
so ive heard of wine and salad pairings
but... i accidentally put the wine IN the salad
anyway to salvage?

Tags: milki
#58 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Why doesn't your script work?" - cowart ... "We used the aggravate-sysadmin module" -mattr

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#354 + (0) -
2/1/2011 6:35


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