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It's like rock/scissors/paper...only the paper beat the scissors. -melcher, on the paper shredder jamming
miree: lunches mess with my olfactory senses it always smells like someone cut one and then i realize it's someone's food gags dm: ROFL so wrong bro. so wrong. miree: miree is dying lollllllll lmfao i want to laugh so hard right now "excuse me, but .. why does your lunch smell like fart?" dm: LOL what kind of lunch is it? what foreign food is it that smells like ass air?
^_^: i am nothing but creative, petty, and vengeful
10:22:02 wei> joshu: kevin: when is the email gonna go out 10:22:04 wei> about the picnic 10:22:05 wei> ?!?!?! 10:22:18 eleung> wei: didn't you get the memo? picnic is canceled 10:22:19 +joshu> uhm what 10:22:23 +joshu> why am I on this? 10:22:24 +joshu> o_O 10:22:29 +joshu> I am not lead unixsys or even senior ... 10:22:30 %kberlin> unixsys is 10:22:32 wei> joshu: I saw you last edited that twiki page 10:22:36 wei> for the picnic 10:22:37 wei> is why 10:22:38 +joshu> ah okay 10:22:41 +joshu> no clue :D 10:22:41 eleung> lol 10:22:46 dsmith> coming when it's done! 10:23:02 wei> omgah dun want picnic to be epic failure 10:23:04 wei> no one shows up 10:23:11 +joshu> the picnic will be fine! 10:23:20 gms> it's free food 10:23:20 +joshu> Oceania has always been having a picnic with Eastasia 10:23:25 gms> people will show up 10:23:41 %kberlin> joshu: lol 10:23:46 %kberlin> IT'S REQUIRED 10:24:19 dsmith> picnic attendance is mandatory! 10:24:28 +joshu> Oh no! 10:24:31 +joshu> It's not a pet license! 10:24:33 +joshu> It's a FISHING license! 10:24:36 +joshu> AND IT'S MANDATORY 10:24:42 %kberlin> DIVERSION! 10:24:42 -!- kevin changed the topic of #general to: Picnic this Saturday
Greg Snow: "Nothing here is that important."
21:59 < ^_^> ok coco single right here 21:59 < jsamwang> lol coco crisp 21:59 < silent> Oh snap, coco on base. 21:59 < gms> inb4k 21:59 < ^_^> THERE WE GO 21:59 < ^_^> COME ON 21:59 < gms> fuck 21:59 < ^_^> YEAHHH 21:59 < ^_^> thats it 21:59 < jsamwang> LOLOL 21:59 < ^_^> WOOOOO 21:59 < jsamwang> FAIL 21:59 < ^_^> silent called it 21:59 < gms> damn 21:59 < ^_^> LOLOLLLLL
23:51 < stephen_tu> kiyoshi: we have computers, who needs women
15:08 < vinod> infact: youre unvited to my lemonparty!
12:51 +chevans: no 12:52 +chevans: just no 12:52 @richardhsu: no 12:52 +chevans: why? 12:54 @richardhsu: sure. 12:55 +chevans: k. 12:55 @richardhsu: fine. 12:55 +chevans: alright. 12:55 @richardhsu: good. 12:56 +chevans: Righteous. 12:57 @jimmyngo: Great. 12:58 +chevans: Fantastic. 12:58 @richardhsu: Settled. 12:58 +chevans: Never. 12:58 @richardhsu: Done. 12:58 +chevans: Sad. 12:58 @richardhsu: Fin. 12:58 +chevans: End. 12:59 @richardhsu: . 12:59 +chevans: FUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
15:03 < ^_^> that would be hilarious 15:03 < milki> is that possible? 15:04 < ^_^> i guess i'ts not different than reformating hal 15:04 < vinod> milki: do tyou have a script, that closes your windows 15:04 < milki> nothing in .irssi/config 15:04 < ^_^> i mean we all thought itw as probably impossible 15:04 < vinod> if you have too many windows 15:04 < vinod> lol 15:04 < ^_^> until ccowart did it 15:04 < vinod> milki: it seems you might have something closing your windows lol..... 15:04 < milki> AHAHAHAHAHHAHA 15:04 < vinod> because youre cleanly parting. 15:04 < vinod> lol 15:04 < milki> auto_leave.pl 15:04 < milki> >.> 15:04 < vinod> AHA 15:04 < vinod> I KNEW IT 15:04 < vinod> :D 15:04 < vinod> XD 15:04 < vinod> lolz 15:04 < milki> ok ok 15:04 < milki> my fault 15:04 < gms> lolz 15:04 < ^_^> wut? 15:04 < milki> i must have ragequitted 15:04 < ^_^> why do you have an auto_leave script? 15:05 < vinod> because 15:05 < vinod> people were 15:05 < ^_^> in perl no less 15:05 < ^_^> lol 15:05 < vinod> sajoining hm 15:05 < vinod> *him 15:05 < vinod> lol 15:05 < vinod> so if he ragequits 15:05 < vinod> even if ppl sajoin him back 15:05 < vinod> he'll quit 15:05 < vinod> lol 15:05 < ^_^> lollllllllllllllllll 15:05 < milki> ok... 15:05 < ^_^> nice 15:05 < ^_^> so milki *did* pwn himself 15:05 < milki> how do i kill the script >.> 15:05 < vinod> lolz 15:05 < gms> /script 15:05 < gms> ? 15:05 < ^_^> milki: sudo rm -rf / 15:05 < ^_^> will kill it for sure 15:05 < gms> /script unload 15:05 < gms> use /help 15:05 < gms> lol