#213 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

ccowart: "Do you want to go drinking tonight?" mht: "I've been drinking a lot lately... It does help."

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#289 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

<simon> I know it's a big event, but I don't really have a thing for the Dalai Lama

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#31 + (0) -
3/17/2010 5:58

22:57 < victor> its too late
22:57 < victor> so much dota
22:57 < victor> so much hon
22:57 < victor> so much smash
22:57 < victor> so much maple story
22:57 < victor> and gunbound
22:57 < victor> fuuuuuuuuuuu
22:57 < victor> i have no life

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#261 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

07:25 < kberlin> FACT- 8am classes are the work of the devil 07:38 < krithix> FACT- papers due at 8am are the work of something worse 07:42 < dchen> FACT- Adult male polar bears typically weigh between 352 kilograms and 680 kilograms

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#90 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I just got a warning that something something was ambiguous." -- jim, on perl

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#5 + (0) -
10:17:59 12/02/21

dthorman [11:44] Not sure Vinod would want to support other living thing besides himself

Tags: vinod
#299 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Little did you know that you were haunted by the ghosts of winsys past..." -crimsonzen. "There are no ghosts of winsys past!" -willchen

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#206 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"we make mistakes too" - ccowart on irc about a sysadmin script

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#487 + (0) -

10:52 <@mht> wtf is wrong with govt
10:52 <@kristine> Politicians
10:52 <@mht> except for arnold
10:52 <@mht> he doesnt lie to me
10:52 <@mht> he tells me he'll be back
10:52 <@mht> and he always comes back

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#375 + (0) -
7/4/2011 20:57

13:55 <@dm> infact: vinod?
13:55 < infact> vinod is milki or not probably milki or vimniododoodlemacs or DERPY or infact or ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo or >_> or fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu or kickable or HEY QUIT ASKING ME ABOUT VINOD ALRIGHT???! or type /k vinod for full details or realy vinod. or you should set him on fire

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