#235 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Simon: "Vote for Dennis Hayashi!" Dex, filling out Simon's voting ballot: "Too late Simon, you're voting for Domukun." Simon: "Gah! My pernament record as a republican!"

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#326 + (0) -
7/18/2010 0:13

16:03 < mattea> ccowart: do you remember? was it blee or something, who was locked out and did something random
on hal to get our attention
16:04 < briandef> hal.rescomp.berkeley.edu : Jan 14 17:29:20 : kevin : user NOT in sudoers ;
16:04 < briandef> TTY=ttyp6 ; PWD=/export/home/kevin ; USER=root ; COMMAND=get me into the
16:04 < briandef> building because mattea didnt have my keycard activated yet and the doors locked
16:04 < briandef> at 5

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#262 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

12:11 < dchen> man, if I ever become a professor, I'm going to make a hella shitty class 12:11 < dchen> it'll be called like "Practical Systems Administration" 12:11 < dchen> and immediately after the drop deadline, it'll become a class purely focused on relational algebra

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#66 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Anybody got a nose hair plucker?!" ~mht

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#413 + (0) -
7/11/2012 5:57

22:54 <@kristine> I ssh'd into a corgi
22:55 < milki> kinky

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#447 + (0) -

(04:05:32 PM) miree: also apartment
(04:05:35 PM) miree: filled with dead bugs
(04:05:39 PM) dm: wat
(04:05:41 PM) dm: sobad
(04:05:43 PM) miree: lots of dead bugs
(04:05:45 PM) miree: from break
(04:05:47 PM) miree: when i was gone
(04:05:50 PM) miree: i'm so grossed out
(04:05:50 PM) dm: well, I guess it's good they're not live
(04:05:53 PM) miree: yeah
(04:05:57 PM) dm: They were all like
(04:05:58 PM) miree: they always die in the same areas
(04:06:00 PM) dm: aww no miree
(04:06:03 PM) dm: no miree to eat on
(04:06:06 PM) dm: /dies
(04:06:08 PM) miree: LOLLLLL
(04:06:14 PM) ***miree gets more grossed out
(04:06:14 PM) miree: ahaha

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#62 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Would you like a Gentoo LiveCD that _won't_ fubar your computer?" -ccowart

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#114 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Aww, "Kings Quest IV". She's right, _that_ was my favorite childhood game. -tobor

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#396 + (0) -
1/6/2012 18:36

10:31 < wtai> i keep foretting my passwords
10:31 < wtai> UGH
10:31 <@gms> keepass?
10:33 <@victor> keep ass?
10:35 < dm> victor: yes

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#274 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Some ancient cultures believed that ramen brought us closer to God." -kberlin on the secret ingredient

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