#283 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"DNS? What's that?... (hiring panel explains) WOW. DNS IS AMAZING. I'VE GOT TO GET IN ON THAT," -anonymous Winsys candidate

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#135 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

crh to terrio: "You joined the enemy with that sysadmin team. You know that netsec and sysadmin are like *fighting motions* ..."

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#84 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"This phrase, 'Quid Pro Quo' will make you legally INVINCIBLE in court!" -- ian, on sexual harassment mastery

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#91 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You don't need light, you're a programmer." -- cliu

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#527 + (0) -
10:40:33 08/23/2022

Their toilet paper was also single ply when it should have at least been 3 ply for 3 michelin stars. -achang

Tags: pooping
#251 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

jeffie: "Ah man, I sat on my banana. No wonder my back was so wet..."

Tags: No tags
#495 + (0) -

12:40 < achang> my butt is so mad
12:40 < achang> i ate at a foodtruck today
12:40 < achang> and
12:40 < achang> i keep having diarrhea
12:40 < achang> sob sob sob
12:41 < ^_^> thanks
12:41 < ^_^> i'm eating right now

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#177 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Real men don't swoon. They dominate." --Victor

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#484 + (0) -

10:09 < dm> They were giving out Java Monster Energy Drinks, Kona Blend on Market St this morning
10:09 < dm> I got one
10:09 < dm> I am on a whole different plane of existence
10:10 < dm> this must be how Justin Higgins feels

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#378 + (0) -
7/14/2011 18:05

10:40 <@milki> gaah
10:40 <@milki> i all over my shirt again -.-
10:40 < gms> :o
10:40 <@milki> but it feels nice
10:40 <@milki> so its ok
10:40 < gms> >.>

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