#157 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I really like fruit. I had this pear today..." -jeremydw

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#478 + (0) -

11:07 < keenanp> tmmecke: bring ET to your next game night
11:07 <+tmmecke> won't run on a mac
11:07 <+tmmecke> so no
11:08 <+tmmecke> i'm in the mac team at nvidia
11:08 <+tmmecke> any game we play at game night has to run on mac
11:08 <@eleung> windows runs on a mac
11:08 <@eleung> therefore, you can play any game.

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#360 + (0) -
3/15/2011 23:56

16:50 <%acarlson> i don't necessarily hate them, i just hate that they are for profit businesses and this is a non-profit matter
16:51 <%acarlson> i also don't have an account with either lol
16:51 < dm> I guess traditional web forms is your way for now then.
16:51 <%acarlson> this is actually the best use of social networking i've seen though
16:53 < vinod> o.O
16:53 < crimsonzen> acarlson: are you saying that profit is not greatness in itself? </rand>
16:53 < dm> crimsonzen: <randwacker/>
16:54 <%acarlson> oh god
16:54 < crimsonzen> lol
16:54 < crimsonzen> Ayn Rand Wacker?
16:54 < gms> fuuu
16:55 <%aneesh> ah yes, a pioneer of Objectivism-Oriented Programming

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#327 + (0) -
7/22/2010 4:31


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#443 + (0) -

17:41 <@^_^> whats the article?
17:41 < infact> the article is about her first lesbian encounter
17:42 <@^_^> ......
17:42 < jsamwang> WAT
17:42 <@gms> WHAT

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#223 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"There's no man pages on how to load a gun!" - Dexter

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#290 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"We sent a mass mail saying 'Help your friends and family at the village' for UVA. We don't really care about helping them, right?" -Anna, on RCC Hiring

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#366 + (0) -
4/14/2011 6:34

ccowart: At the Giants game. Scoreboard has 4 columns: R, H, E, and L. Runs, hits, errors I know. L is a mystery that currently reads 7-5. What the hell is L?
briandef: RedHat has really good ad people...

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#375 + (0) -
7/4/2011 20:57

13:55 <@dm> infact: vinod?
13:55 < infact> vinod is milki or not probably milki or vimniododoodlemacs or DERPY or infact or ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo or >_> or fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu or kickable or HEY QUIT ASKING ME ABOUT VINOD ALRIGHT???! or type /k vinod for full details or realy vinod. or you should set him on fire

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#475 + (0) -

17:53 <@briandef> apparently i'm now out of range of college freshmen.. hmm
17:53 * briandef is getting old
17:53 <@dm> briandef: ...

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