#25 + (0) -
2/11/2010 0:20

20:37 < briandef> http://rapidshare.com/files/290527109/Survivor.S19E04.HDTV.XVID-BAJSKORV.part1.rar
20:37 < briandef> oh noes

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#524 + (0) -
15:24:58 05/23/2022

15:12 caret_caret mmm love me some cunt

Tags: food
#184 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Maybe someday in the future, you can be a dilf." ~Kristina to Brian Toy

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#137 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

James in humored indignance, "What type of asian do you take me for??" Stephanie, "a half asian"

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#321 + (0) -
5/30/2010 7:11


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#61 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"It won't be long before they'll all be taller than you, Dexter." -Perry on Dedra's babies

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#478 + (0) -

11:07 < keenanp> tmmecke: bring ET to your next game night
11:07 <+tmmecke> won't run on a mac
11:07 <+tmmecke> so no
11:08 <+tmmecke> i'm in the mac team at nvidia
11:08 <+tmmecke> any game we play at game night has to run on mac
11:08 <@eleung> windows runs on a mac
11:08 <@eleung> therefore, you can play any game.

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#525 + (0) -
13:37:40 07/14/2022

kristine :corgi4: I do feel a little bad about the people who were laid off but crypto is dumb

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#357 + (0) -
2/25/2011 18:25

06:41 < rishard> I never realized how many people were in general.
07:16 < mattea> it's the place to be
07:16 < mattea> esp for trolls
08:15 < calvin> gotta watch out for people like perry
08:15 < calvin> trollin alldayerrday
08:35 < kberlin> it's all he does
08:40 * calvin nods
09:26 < chand> general is like the Disneyland teacup ride. Everyone tries it, but most people just end up feeling sick.

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#42 + (0) -
4/9/2010 22:20

12:40 <@wei> hunter2 <-- changed to protect the innocent
12:43 < eleung> is that your pw?
12:45 < kberlin> YES
12:45 < kberlin> YES
12:45 < kberlin> YES
12:45 -!- hacos [hacos@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #marketing
12:45 < hacos> quick save it!
12:45 -!- scotspin [scotspin@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #marketing
12:46 < kberlin> YES
12:46 < kberlin> YESSSSS
12:46 < hacos> save it
12:46 -!- eleung was kicked from #marketing by wei [wei]
12:46 < hacos> quick
12:46 < kberlin> hunter2
12:46 -!- eleung [eleung@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #marketing
12:46 -!- kberlin was kicked from #marketing by wei [wei]
12:46 < hacos> REALLY?!
12:46 -!- srikondragunta was kicked from #marketing by wei [wei]
12:46 < hacos> lawls
12:46 -!- victor was kicked from #marketing by wei [wei]

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