#228 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I need to introduce you to THE GORILLA" -ccowart

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#412 + (0) -
7/11/2012 0:58

17:58 <@^_^> dude she could be your mom
17:58 < silent> Dude when i wish i could be your mom last night :(

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#86 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"How do I pipe only STDERR to STDIN? Redirects use real files, pipes just create file descriptors..." -Chris "So they're pseudofiles?" -melcher

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#45 + (0) -
5/10/2010 5:07

22:05 < ^_^> um milki
22:05 < ^_^> are u sure coe grad is 17th?
22:05 < milki> im not coe
22:05 < milki> dammit

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#411 + (0) -
7/6/2012 21:26

14:10 <+^_^> all i've been doing the past 5 minutes is playing with it
14:11 <+ccowart> 14:10 <+^_^> all i've been doing the past 5 minutes is playing
with it
14:11 <+ccowart> fuck context.
14:11 <+^_^> ....
14:12 -!- ccowart changed the topic of #general to: 14:10 <+^_^> all i've been
doing the past 5 minutes is playing with it
14:20 < dm> ^_^: stop playing with it. Might fall off.

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#404 + (0) -
3/22/2012 19:46

11:38 < gms> ugh why would you do javascript password validation
11:38 * gms shakes fist
11:39 < tmmecke> .....LOL
11:39 < tmmecke> acarlson: good security or BEST security
11:39 < gms> it doesn't like my password that has pipes
11:39 < gms> and stuff
11:39 < gms> so I had to kill that validation function in the html
11:39 < tmmecke> its browser side...
11:39 < gms> problem solved
11:39 < gms> yup
11:39 < tmmecke> lol
11:39 < acarlson> oh god
11:39 < acarlson> if they're not doing equivalent validation on the server side, that is bad
11:40 < tmmecke> acarlson: you mean AMAZING
11:40 < gms> well it's just some filters to avoid bad chars or something
11:40 < acarlson> fine to do stuff on client side as long as it is for efficiency
11:40 < tmmecke> easiest way to take crypto load off the servers!
11:40 < gms> not the smartest thing to do

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#19 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:30

21:27 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:27 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor
21:28 < calvin> victor: victor victor victor victor victor victor victor victor

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#461 + (0) -

16:11 < milki> ^_^: i really like the salary negotiation article you linked me
16:11 < milki> theres so much to learn about negotiation
16:11 <+tmmecke> milki: what article?
16:11 < infact> article is about her first lesbian encounter

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#468 + (0) -

2:10 < milki> mht: aneesh: i have no idea what one of these things is though
12:10 < milki> its like sticky and white and hard
12:10 < milki> and long
12:10 * milki doesnt know what it does
12:11 < milki> i should take a picture of it

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#153 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I'm hungry enough to eat Chinese Food." -eeady

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