#347 + (0) -
11/29/2010 17:49

09:43 <+tmmecke> weee irc from over 1000 feet
09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: woohoo virgin
09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: how much lag?
09:47 <+tmmecke> kbIyup
09:47 <+tmmecke> wow
09:47 <+tmmecke> it lagged out my tab complete
09:47 < kberlin> LOL

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#364 + (0) -
4/14/2011 2:05

19:02 <kristine> Fuck

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#208 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Simon: I can't stand be in the office when he's around

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#511 + (0) -
14:14:38 03/04/2021

kristine: I always wanted to look like a burrito

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#408 + (0) -
6/6/2012 20:24

13:17 < briandef> but, what have we learned from having 8 million passwords to your site leaked?
13:17 < briandef> stock price up 8 cents
13:17 < milki> lolwut

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#4 + (0) -
01:11:47 12/02/21

achang [09:15] i could use more fart jokes today

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#251 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

jeffie: "Ah man, I sat on my banana. No wonder my back was so wet..."

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#61 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"It won't be long before they'll all be taller than you, Dexter." -Perry on Dedra's babies

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#519 + (0) -
17:28:46 10/08/2021

“hell yes i would, don’t mind if i puke/pee/soil myself” - jch

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#137 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

James in humored indignance, "What type of asian do you take me for??" Stephanie, "a half asian"

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