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"I'm not weird I love steak." -jeremydw
17:16 <@vinod> FOUND IT!! zomg 17:16 <@vinod> okay it was a celine dion song with very similar lyrics 17:16 <@vinod> wang it 17:16 <@vinod> *dang 17:17 <@vinod> lol danwang it
11:12 <@kristine> perry: My friend's dog is a horrible dog 11:12 <@kristine> When he gets excited (i.e. whenever he sees a human he doesn't live with) 11:12 <@kristine> He'll start peeing uncontrollably for a bit 11:12 <@perry> >_<, yeah, i'm glad he doesn't do that 11:12 < gms> kristine: so like an old person
< anna> bcollins: that is extremely shockingly big -!- eleung [eleung@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #marketing < eleung> twss -!- eleung [eleung@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has left #marketing []
"I reached for where the insurance would be, and Be Secure CDs fell out." -kenzan, on Van being GGed
12:21 < milki> omg 12:22 < milki> all this white stuff all overed my keyboard -.- 12:22 < milki> this is what i get for not paying attention -.- 12:22 < milki> i hope it doesnt get too sticky 12:23 <@kristine> ... 12:23 <@kristine> ... 12:23 <@kristine> ...
21:46 < gms> you have a psu that can drive it? 21:47 < milki> i dunno 21:47 < milki> i have the plugs for it 21:47 < milki> i dunno if it has the power... 21:48 < milki> i found a 2 4-pin molex to 6 pin molex 21:48 < milki> but... 21:48 < milki> it only has 5 of the pins 21:48 < milki> why o.O 21:48 < milki> is the middle one a ground? 21:53 < milki> 00 Watt or greater power supply with two 75W 6-pin PCI Express® power connectors recommended (600 Watt and four 6-pin connectors for ATI CrossFireX technology in dual mode) 21:53 < milki> uh 21:54 < milki> actually...how much is this 21:54 < milki> its not lsited 21:55 < milki> 300W 21:55 < milki> also 21:55 < milki> Minimum 1GB of system memory 21:55 < milki> wat 21:55 < milki> why 21:58 < milki> ok 21:58 < milki> it looks like a ground component 21:59 < milki> wait 21:59 < milki> theres an explicit compatibility list for this box and it says it can handle the gfx 21:59 < milki> now...how does it 22:02 < milki> well 22:02 < milki> i can just stick it in right? 22:50 * calvin kicks milki 22:50 -!- calvin changed the topic of #general to: 22:02 < milki> i can just stick it in right? 22:52 < kedo> i think you need consent first
Their toilet paper was also single ply when it should have at least been 3 ply for 3 michelin stars. -achang
09:43 <+tmmecke> weee irc from over 1000 feet 09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: woohoo virgin 09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: how much lag? 09:47 <+tmmecke> kbIyup 09:47 <+tmmecke> wow 09:47 <+tmmecke> it lagged out my tab complete 09:47 < kberlin> LOL