#290 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"We sent a mass mail saying 'Help your friends and family at the village' for UVA. We don't really care about helping them, right?" -Anna, on RCC Hiring

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#114 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Aww, "Kings Quest IV". She's right, _that_ was my favorite childhood game. -tobor

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#411 + (0) -
7/6/2012 21:26

14:10 <+^_^> all i've been doing the past 5 minutes is playing with it
14:11 <+ccowart> 14:10 <+^_^> all i've been doing the past 5 minutes is playing
with it
14:11 <+ccowart> fuck context.
14:11 <+^_^> ....
14:12 -!- ccowart changed the topic of #general to: 14:10 <+^_^> all i've been
doing the past 5 minutes is playing with it
14:20 < dm> ^_^: stop playing with it. Might fall off.

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#67 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Facebook is the asian ghetto [of the internet]...." - dchen

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#439 + (0) -

11:53 < jch> keenanp jsamwang I dont wannnna be old :( :(
11:54 < keenanp> Too bad.
11:55 <@kristine> jch: You're married
11:55 <@kristine> You're already old
11:56 < jch> kristine: stab to the heart bro
11:56 < jch> it's ok, my new years resolution is to be a silver fox
11:56 < jch> the first asian silver fox no less
11:56 <@kristine> What does that mean
11:57 < keenanp> My hair is starting to go gray
11:57 < keenanp> Little bits on the sides. Has been for years.
11:57 <@kristine> Oh
11:57 < keenanp> As long as I don't go bald, I'm fine with being a silver fox
(if that's what a silver fox is)
11:57 <@kristine> Is that what it means
11:57 < jch> kristine: it's like a 2nd puberty for guys
11:57 < jch> when they go from man
11:58 < jch> to gorgeous man
11:58 <@kristine> .
11:58 < dm> lolll

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#393 + (0) -
12/15/2011 18:58

10:54 <@^_^> omg so last night i had this dream that i was on a plane
10:54 <@^_^> that got shot down by nazi's
10:54 <@^_^> and then everyone was getting chased by the nazis
10:55 <@^_^> crash landed in somewhere in germany
10:55 <@^_^> so i tried to pretend to be japanese so at least they'd be like
"well, he's on the same side as us"
10:55 <@^_^> and when they asked me for my name, the first japanese name i came
up with was kiyoshi matsui
10:57 * dm will call mu brad matsui from now on

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#187 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I'm not making assumptions. I'm guessing!" --mht

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#484 + (0) -

10:09 < dm> They were giving out Java Monster Energy Drinks, Kona Blend on Market St this morning
10:09 < dm> I got one
10:09 < dm> I am on a whole different plane of existence
10:10 < dm> this must be how Justin Higgins feels

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#286 + (1) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Camping is intense!" -milki "Yeah... wait, why?" -dex "Because there are tents. And you're inside them." -milki

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#301 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Hey! We are socializing too" - milki "No, we are just swearing in unison" - kiyoshi during a late night session of CS164 coding

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