#248 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Dex: "I can't believe how much crap I've been getting from others about fighting you to a draw." Stephanie: "Aw, I didn't know that you went through all that. I should have thrown the fight."

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#118 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Chris: "It's Friday" Graham: "Yeah, it's that day when we don't have school and stuff the next day..." Ian: "There's another day like that, but I usually don't remember it."

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#65 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I was taking minutes, and I wasn't listening..." - Anna

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#406 + (0) -
3/27/2012 0:35

13:22 < dm> is one supposed to wear underpants with a utili-kilt?
13:22 <@calvin> dm: no
13:22 <@calvin> :)
13:23 * dm would wear underpants anyway. Aerated balls are overrated.
13:25 <@^_^> dm: no
13:26 <@^_^> no underpants
13:26 <@calvin> dm: we spoke with the manager
13:26 <@calvin> dm: he said no
13:26 < dm> not even a manthong?
13:28 <@calvin> nope
13:28 < dm> I would break this rule.
13:28 < dm> just like I would break the belt AND suspenders at the same time
13:28 < dm> if I had suspenders
13:30 <@calvin> nope
13:30 <@calvin> they will be forcibly removed
13:30 < dm> your face should be forcibly removed

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#486 + (0) -

16:06 < dm> nothing unifies #general like kristine breaking google

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#35 + (0) -
3/19/2010 1:57

18:52 < victor> damn how does google know mbp = macbook pro
18:52 < victor> so leet
18:52 < ^_^> as opposed to
18:56 < calvin> macbookpenis
18:56 < calvin> lolol dammit wrong channel

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#195 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"No, I'm not saying the URL will turn people off. I'm saying ResComp will turn people on" - jeremydw

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#485 + (0) -

11:03 < kristine> dm: I liked achang's team slutting

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#80 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

'As you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters never point your way.' ~ A "fortune cookie" from King Dong's

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#475 + (0) -

17:53 <@briandef> apparently i'm now out of range of college freshmen.. hmm
17:53 * briandef is getting old
17:53 <@dm> briandef: ...

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