13:07 -!- tmmecke_ [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has joined #general 13:11 < tmmecke_> dm: mah admin machine randomly rebooted 13:12 < tmmecke_> you should /kill tmmecke , he's a zombie 13:29 < kristine> That's what the evil twin says 13:38 < willchen> Which one do we believe?! [...] 14:12 -!- tmmecke [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:13 -!- tmmecke_ is now known as tmmecke 14:13 < tmmecke> it wasn't actually a zombie 14:13 < briandef> wow, shellshock is amazing 14:13 < tmmecke> apparently my admin machine didn't reboot, but dumped me to the login window without killing my old screen session 14:13 < tmmecke> amazing 14:13 < briandef> nice [...] 15:11 -!- tmmecke [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has quit [[irc2.caffeinatedcode.com] Local kill by dm (requested kill)] 15:11 < dm> oops, that was too late 15:11 < dm> loolllll