#344 + (0) -
11/2/2010 4:53

21:51 < ^_^> i'm chagning my writei n vote for govenor
21:51 < ^_^> to tim lincecum
21:52 < beastham> who the fuck is tim lincecum
21:52 < joshu> ...
21:52 < kberlin> ...
21:52 < ^_^> beastham: ....

Tags: No tags
#299 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Little did you know that you were haunted by the ghosts of winsys past..." -crimsonzen. "There are no ghosts of winsys past!" -willchen

Tags: No tags
#456 + (0) -

16:45 < milki> but they keep falling off -.-
16:45 < milki> my pants just cant stay on
16:45 <%gms> wut

Tags: No tags
#384 + (0) -
8/10/2011 15:08

15:45 <%victor> QQ stocks are up

Tags: No tags
#272 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I am making small sheets of paper with people's name on them" -ccowart "Is that for hiring?" -willchen "Yes. Yes, that is how we do hiring." -ccowart

Tags: No tags
#278 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You find it in movies!" -milki, on love

Tags: No tags
#529 + (0) -
22:21:51 09/30/2022

<2022.09.30> ccowart: I love licking freshly wetted pavement

Tags: ccowart
#377 + (0) -
7/9/2011 14:54

11:11 < vinod> lolagicball?
11:11 < vinod> derp :/
11:11 <@dm> NO
11:12 <@dm> we do not want your 8less balls here
11:12 < vinod> >...>

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#22 + (0) -
2/7/2010 9:51

meastham: sipping a mocha
kberlin sits at his mac
coding a rails app

Yesterday at 2:03am

kberlin: talk of rails makes
meastham code C++ while
quietly raging

Yesterday at 10:52am

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#269 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I don't want security in my meetings" - Winsys Lead Dexter

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