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09:43 <+tmmecke> weee irc from over 1000 feet 09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: woohoo virgin 09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: how much lag? 09:47 <+tmmecke> kbIyup 09:47 <+tmmecke> wow 09:47 <+tmmecke> it lagged out my tab complete 09:47 < kberlin> LOL
13:07 -!- tmmecke_ [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has joined #general 13:11 < tmmecke_> dm: mah admin machine randomly rebooted 13:12 < tmmecke_> you should /kill tmmecke , he's a zombie 13:29 < kristine> That's what the evil twin says 13:38 < willchen> Which one do we believe?! [...] 14:12 -!- tmmecke [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:13 -!- tmmecke_ is now known as tmmecke 14:13 < tmmecke> it wasn't actually a zombie 14:13 < briandef> wow, shellshock is amazing 14:13 < tmmecke> apparently my admin machine didn't reboot, but dumped me to the login window without killing my old screen session 14:13 < tmmecke> amazing 14:13 < briandef> nice [...] 15:11 -!- tmmecke [tmecke@thunderhill.nvidia.com] has quit [[irc2.caffeinatedcode.com] Local kill by dm (requested kill)] 15:11 < dm> oops, that was too late 15:11 < dm> loolllll
16:50 <%acarlson> i don't necessarily hate them, i just hate that they are for profit businesses and this is a non-profit matter 16:51 <%acarlson> i also don't have an account with either lol 16:51 < dm> I guess traditional web forms is your way for now then. 16:51 <%acarlson> this is actually the best use of social networking i've seen though 16:53 < vinod> o.O 16:53 < crimsonzen> acarlson: are you saying that profit is not greatness in itself? </rand> 16:53 < dm> crimsonzen: <randwacker/> 16:54 <%acarlson> oh god 16:54 < crimsonzen> lol 16:54 < crimsonzen> Ayn Rand Wacker? 16:54 < gms> fuuu 16:55 <%aneesh> ah yes, a pioneer of Objectivism-Oriented Programming
12:01 < milki> whoa 12:01 < milki> black on black violence
Cowart: "How was the retreat?" Jeremy: "The food was good."
Mark: "She was Japanase....oh god *said in a lovestruck way*....I mean, I was trying to remember her name."
[insert rescomp story about unix command "df"]; Jesse: That pretty much sums up my work last week.
"Retarded is my name!~~" - Minh
"...wait... operations coordinator Anna? She's our age? I thought she was like 30!" -Rescomp alum
09:50 <@^_^> man over the past few months, my fb has undergone this huge shift 09:50 < milkibot> http://tinyurl.com/7eugujw 09:50 <@^_^> so many ppl i knew from highschools that used to suck obama's nuts 09:50 <@^_^> after graduating and working 09:50 <@^_^> are moving over to ron paul 09:50 <@^_^> it's pretty hilarious 09:50 <@^_^> it's like the new fad 09:50 <@^_^> old man lovin'