#42 + (0) -
4/9/2010 22:20

12:40 <@wei> hunter2 <-- changed to protect the innocent
12:43 < eleung> is that your pw?
12:45 < kberlin> YES
12:45 < kberlin> YES
12:45 < kberlin> YES
12:45 -!- hacos [hacos@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #marketing
12:45 < hacos> quick save it!
12:45 -!- scotspin [scotspin@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #marketing
12:46 < kberlin> YES
12:46 < kberlin> YESSSSS
12:46 < hacos> save it
12:46 -!- eleung was kicked from #marketing by wei [wei]
12:46 < hacos> quick
12:46 < kberlin> hunter2
12:46 -!- eleung [eleung@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #marketing
12:46 -!- kberlin was kicked from #marketing by wei [wei]
12:46 < hacos> REALLY?!
12:46 -!- srikondragunta was kicked from #marketing by wei [wei]
12:46 < hacos> lawls
12:46 -!- victor was kicked from #marketing by wei [wei]

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