#479 + (0) -

13:10 < dm> Christian Bale lol
13:10 < dm> do you like his voice
13:10 < dm> hehehe
13:10 < dm> or should I say
13:10 < dm> huhuhuhuhh

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#480 + (0) -

11:19 <@calvin> im ready to jizz in my pants
11:19 * calvin unzips
11:20 <@calvin> oh my god my eyes

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#481 + (0) -

11:19 <@kristine> Why is it so cold in SF
11:19 <@kristine> :(
11:22 <@gms> it's july
11:26 <@kristine> ...
11:26 <@kristine> That's supposed to explain things to me?
11:27 <@gms> yup

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#482 + (0) -

15:28 <@kristine> Go hunt for your own damn meat

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#483 + (0) -

12:05 < kristine> (fuck y'all)

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#484 + (0) -

10:09 < dm> They were giving out Java Monster Energy Drinks, Kona Blend on Market St this morning
10:09 < dm> I got one
10:09 < dm> I am on a whole different plane of existence
10:10 < dm> this must be how Justin Higgins feels

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#485 + (0) -

11:03 < kristine> dm: I liked achang's team slutting

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#486 + (0) -

16:06 < dm> nothing unifies #general like kristine breaking google

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#487 + (0) -

10:52 <@mht> wtf is wrong with govt
10:52 <@kristine> Politicians
10:52 <@mht> except for arnold
10:52 <@mht> he doesnt lie to me
10:52 <@mht> he tells me he'll be back
10:52 <@mht> and he always comes back

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#488 + (0) -

16:27 <@eleung> i just 3d printed a bowtie
16:28 <@gms> I guess it's more kid-friendly than gun parts/accessories
16:28 < kristine> Wut
16:28 < perry> less useful in a zombiie invasion
16:29 <@eleung> at least i will be the only one wearing a bright orange bowtie during the zombie apocalypse
16:29 <@eleung> gunning down zombies in style

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