#408 + (0) -
6/6/2012 20:24

13:17 < briandef> but, what have we learned from having 8 million passwords to your site leaked?
13:17 < briandef> stock price up 8 cents
13:17 < milki> lolwut

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#409 + (0) -
6/11/2012 17:36

09:49 < waf> universe has not had a dump for 24 hours

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#410 + (0) -
6/13/2012 16:55

12:21 < tyrus> i just realized that a half hour ago i cat'd a file and piped it to a new file instead of just copying the file
12:21 < tyrus> heh
13:16 < bspeth> just use dd
13:16 < bspeth> or ditto
13:19 < tyrus> i think you miss my point
13:19 < winst> tyrus: unix hipster, too cool for cp

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#411 + (0) -
7/6/2012 21:26

14:10 <+^_^> all i've been doing the past 5 minutes is playing with it
14:11 <+ccowart> 14:10 <+^_^> all i've been doing the past 5 minutes is playing
with it
14:11 <+ccowart> fuck context.
14:11 <+^_^> ....
14:12 -!- ccowart changed the topic of #general to: 14:10 <+^_^> all i've been
doing the past 5 minutes is playing with it
14:20 < dm> ^_^: stop playing with it. Might fall off.

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#412 + (0) -
7/11/2012 0:58

17:58 <@^_^> dude she could be your mom
17:58 < silent> Dude when i wish i could be your mom last night :(

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#413 + (0) -
7/11/2012 5:57

22:54 <@kristine> I ssh'd into a corgi
22:55 < milki> kinky

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#414 + (0) -
8/20/2012 22:40

[18:29] <silent> Stop punishing your butt milki.

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#415 + (0) -
8/21/2012 21:47

14:24 <@^_^> god my back is killing me
14:24 <@^_^> i dunno wy
14:28 < hnguyen> your boobs r too big
14:31 <@kristine> LOL

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#416 + (0) -
8/24/2012 19:52

12:51 < milki> i just need something small to carry tools and spare tube
12:51 <@^_^> oh god i read spare lube
12:51 < milki> i need some co2 as well
12:51 < milki> no, i dont need lube during a bike ride
12:51 < milki> maybe afterwards

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#417 + (0) -
8/24/2012 22:57

15:41 <@kristine> I see
15:41 < silent> All I see her booooobs.

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