#438 + (0) -

18:10 <@^_^> does the topic imply that infact or milkibot will turn into skynet?
18:10 <%gms> probably silent
18:10 < silent> Is silent executing.
18:10 <@^_^> quite presumptious if you ask me considering both of them are

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#439 + (0) -

11:53 < jch> keenanp jsamwang I dont wannnna be old :( :(
11:54 < keenanp> Too bad.
11:55 <@kristine> jch: You're married
11:55 <@kristine> You're already old
11:56 < jch> kristine: stab to the heart bro
11:56 < jch> it's ok, my new years resolution is to be a silver fox
11:56 < jch> the first asian silver fox no less
11:56 <@kristine> What does that mean
11:57 < keenanp> My hair is starting to go gray
11:57 < keenanp> Little bits on the sides. Has been for years.
11:57 <@kristine> Oh
11:57 < keenanp> As long as I don't go bald, I'm fine with being a silver fox
(if that's what a silver fox is)
11:57 <@kristine> Is that what it means
11:57 < jch> kristine: it's like a 2nd puberty for guys
11:57 < jch> when they go from man
11:58 < jch> to gorgeous man
11:58 <@kristine> .
11:58 < dm> lolll

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#440 + (0) -

16:54 <@joshu> I prefer the dark meat of baptised babies
16:54 <@joshu> it's tender and delicious teriyaki style

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#441 + (0) -

16:28 < dm> I keep telling people that their answer is a sugardaddy
16:28 <@calvin> remember you're not paying for services
16:28 <@calvin> you're paying the person to leave

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#442 + (0) -

16:28 <@calvin> remember you're not paying for services
16:28 <@calvin> you're paying the person to leave
16:28 < jsamwang> LOL
16:28 <@^_^> calvin: lolllll

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#443 + (0) -

17:41 <@^_^> whats the article?
17:41 < infact> the article is about her first lesbian encounter
17:42 <@^_^> ......
17:42 < jsamwang> WAT
17:42 <@gms> WHAT

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#444 + (0) -

15:17 <@victor> infact: DP?
15:17 < infact> DP is kinda gross cuz my balls would be rubbing up against some other dude's balls
15:17 <@victor> wow

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#445 + (0) -

21:20 < milki> my seed missed -.-
22:14 < milki> why are my seeds all sticky

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#446 + (0) -

09:20 <@keenanp> Ugh, Mondays.
09:20 <@keenanp> Ohwait, it's Tuesday.
09:20 <@kristine> Lol

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#447 + (0) -

(04:05:32 PM) miree: also apartment
(04:05:35 PM) miree: filled with dead bugs
(04:05:39 PM) dm: wat
(04:05:41 PM) dm: sobad
(04:05:43 PM) miree: lots of dead bugs
(04:05:45 PM) miree: from break
(04:05:47 PM) miree: when i was gone
(04:05:50 PM) miree: i'm so grossed out
(04:05:50 PM) dm: well, I guess it's good they're not live
(04:05:53 PM) miree: yeah
(04:05:57 PM) dm: They were all like
(04:05:58 PM) miree: they always die in the same areas
(04:06:00 PM) dm: aww no miree
(04:06:03 PM) dm: no miree to eat on
(04:06:06 PM) dm: /dies
(04:06:08 PM) miree: LOLLLLL
(04:06:14 PM) ***miree gets more grossed out
(04:06:14 PM) miree: ahaha

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