#388 + (0) -
10/13/2011 3:24

19:59 <vinod> are you two hanging out a lot or something. wtf
19:59 <vinod> yeah bring your japanese friend so i can kick him
19:59 <vinod> kick him into the bay
19:59 <vinod> in the direction of japan
19:59 <vinod> XD
20:01 <vinod> isn't he still trying to pick you up in the most direct way possible :|
20:01 <vinod> short of yelling 'WOMAN!' and carrying you home in a sack.
20:01 <vinod> LOLOLOL
20:01 * vinod lols

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#389 + (0) -
10/13/2011 17:54

01:39 <@kristine> Wtf
01:39 <@kristine> Why is milki stripping
01:39 <@kristine> This is very NSFW territory here

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#390 + (0) -
10/21/2011 22:58

10:35 < milki> :|
10:35 < milki> ._.
10:35 < milki> |:
10:35 < milki> .--.
10:35 < milki> :|
10:35 < milki> DO A BARREL ROLL!

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#391 + (0) -
11/3/2011 5:04


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#392 + (0) -
11/14/2011 1:31

17:16 <@vinod> FOUND IT!! zomg
17:16 <@vinod> okay it was a celine dion song with very similar lyrics
17:16 <@vinod> wang it
17:16 <@vinod> *dang
17:17 <@vinod> lol danwang it

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#393 + (0) -
12/15/2011 18:58

10:54 <@^_^> omg so last night i had this dream that i was on a plane
10:54 <@^_^> that got shot down by nazi's
10:54 <@^_^> and then everyone was getting chased by the nazis
10:55 <@^_^> crash landed in somewhere in germany
10:55 <@^_^> so i tried to pretend to be japanese so at least they'd be like
"well, he's on the same side as us"
10:55 <@^_^> and when they asked me for my name, the first japanese name i came
up with was kiyoshi matsui
10:57 * dm will call mu brad matsui from now on

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#394 + (0) -
12/27/2011 21:30

13:26 < dm> I have chinese daughter, lemme go farm her out to some penis tour

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#395 + (0) -
1/1/2012 2:11

18:10:22 <+justjake> why should I trust you
18:10:28 <@vinod> i'm vinod
18:10:31 <+justjake> you make shanks
18:10:36 <@vinod> no one knows that.
18:10:39 <@vinod> >..
18:10:40 <@vinod> <.<
18:10:40 <@vinod> >.>
18:10:45 <@vinod> you can trust me with all your data ^^
18:10:54 * vinod security knowledge yes yes good

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#396 + (0) -
1/6/2012 18:36

10:31 < wtai> i keep foretting my passwords
10:31 < wtai> UGH
10:31 <@gms> keepass?
10:33 <@victor> keep ass?
10:35 < dm> victor: yes

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#397 + (0) -
1/6/2012 18:45

15:08 < vinod> infact: youre unvited to my lemonparty!

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