#459 + (0) -

11:26 <@calvin> kristine: you too, should get a girlfriend
11:26 <@calvin> !
11:26 <@calvin> milki's available

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#460 + (0) -

14:49 < silent> Engineer ok if perry and victor: Perry is also apathetic~* or gay man sex.

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#461 + (0) -

16:11 < milki> ^_^: i really like the salary negotiation article you linked me
16:11 < milki> theres so much to learn about negotiation
16:11 <+tmmecke> milki: what article?
16:11 < infact> article is about her first lesbian encounter

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#462 + (0) -

10:36 < rhsu> Woo, just got a Bluetooth keyboard so I could use it with my iPad.
11:39 < willchen> ...isn't that like fitting a giant spoiler to a civic?

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#463 + (0) -

12:19 * milki undresses
12:20 < milki> wheres ccowart

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#464 + (0) -

10:13 < dm> My friend from japan said
10:13 < dm> mazdas are the armpit of japanese cars
10:14 < gms> lol
10:14 < dm> no one over there has one with pride
10:14 < dm> lololol
10:14 < gms> lol
10:14 <@eleung> didn't han have a mazda in tokyo drift
10:15 < dm> eleung: that's why han died

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#465 + (0) -

14:53 < milki> huh
14:54 < milki> theres something hard sticking in my pants

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#466 + (0) -

14:46 < milki> its like someone just all overed my salad
14:49 < milki> i do that sometimes to though
14:49 < milki> some people like it like that i guess

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#467 + (0) -

16:38 < milki> the stretchier they are, the less likely ill tear them with my
sheer muscle strenght in my sleep

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#468 + (0) -

2:10 < milki> mht: aneesh: i have no idea what one of these things is though
12:10 < milki> its like sticky and white and hard
12:10 < milki> and long
12:10 * milki doesnt know what it does
12:11 < milki> i should take a picture of it

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