#328 + (0) -
7/25/2010 4:52

21:44 < vinod> Rumors circulating the internet of a fan stabbing another attendee in the eye over coveted seats, and of a victim clad in a " Harry Potter T-shirt soaked in blood," are inaccurate, according to authorities.
21:45 < vinod> .....
21:49 <%victor> lol
21:50 < kberlin> so that rumor is a... fan fiction?

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#329 + (0) -
7/26/2010 20:55

13:54 < mht> ccowart: thats because you share with me a pedanticalness about getting it right
13:54 < ccowart> mht: pedanticness?

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#330 + (0) -
7/30/2010 6:18

23:16 <@milki> i dont need friends
23:16 <@milki> i have irc!

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#331 + (0) -
8/2/2010 22:27

15:23 < ccowart> ok, imagine for a moment unix commands
15:23 < ccowart> like finger, yes, more
15:23 < ccowart> we've all seen the jokes stringing various commands together
15:23 < ccowart> now intermix customer names such as "kink" or "naughty"
15:24 < ccowart> that is all

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#332 + (0) -
8/6/2010 6:27

23:23 < MagicBall> MagicH8Ball: Not now
23:23 < MagicH8Ball> MagicBall: Let me ask YOU something. Do you hear that? It's the sound of me not caring.

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#333 + (0) -
8/10/2010 0:20

17:18 <%acarlson> victor: you don't have to tell me, i'm totally hip
17:19 <%acarlson> quit jiving me, turk-ey
17:19 <%acarlson> you got to sass it

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#334 + (0) -
8/12/2010 5:54

22:53 <@jeffy> FUCK
22:53 <@jeffy> i just realized
22:53 <@jeffy> i forgot to eat dinner
22:53 <@jeffy> son of a bitch

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#335 + (0) -
8/30/2010 18:49

10:02 < mbdriscoll> ooh we're learning how to 'program' in my env sci class
10:03 < mbdriscoll> ...in excel qqq

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#336 + (0) -
9/5/2010 18:53


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#337 + (0) -
9/15/2010 18:34

10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has joined #general
10:41 < jch> mht: mht: mht: YOU HAD A BABY??
10:41 -!- jch [jch@localhost] has quit [Quit: Changing server]

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