#378 + (0) -
7/14/2011 18:05

10:40 <@milki> gaah
10:40 <@milki> i all over my shirt again -.-
10:40 < gms> :o
10:40 <@milki> but it feels nice
10:40 <@milki> so its ok
10:40 < gms> >.>

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#379 + (0) -
7/22/2011 1:15

17:46 <@milki> ???�?�????? ???
18:09 <@dm> milki: yes.

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#380 + (0) -
7/29/2011 17:07

10:01 <@calvin> i hear ruby's community is filled with a bunch of asshole neckbeards
10:01 < gms> probably
10:01 < perry> lol

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#381 + (0) -
7/29/2011 17:27

17:09 < justjake> new shiny things that are broken are my favorites
17:09 * justjake is a rails hipster?
17:10 < justjake> I played with Rails for a bit but never had enough time to
really learn it or make it useful
17:10 < briandef> nor has any other railz developer
17:10 < briandef> BOOM
17:10 < tmmecke> briandef: too true, too true
17:10 < justjake> then I meh'd when i got into berkeley
17:10 < victor> briandef: all your procurement!
17:10 < victor> are belong to us
17:10 < justjake> briandef: lol too true

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#382 + (0) -
8/2/2011 0:28

17:26 < ^_^> perry: days go by and still i think of you
17:26 < perry> i see...

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#383 + (0) -
8/3/2011 17:29

10:26 < gms> sometimes effort isn't worth it to maintain your principles

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#384 + (0) -
8/10/2011 15:08

15:45 <%victor> QQ stocks are up

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#385 + (0) -
8/25/2011 16:09

23:35 < vinod> so cool because i can just derp the db and everyone works.

Job description for a Lead Programmer: Derp the DB while everyone else works (-kristine)

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#386 + (0) -
9/21/2011 18:34

11:39 <@^_^> wewt cunt is here
11:39 <@^_^> FUUUUU
11:39 <@^_^> cun
11:39 < gms> lolll

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#387 + (0) -
10/8/2011 22:01


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