#348 + (0) -
12/8/2010 7:00

22:59 < gms> looks like it
22:59 < vinod> 22:58 <@dm> I can't believe I said tummy.

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#347 + (0) -
11/29/2010 17:49

09:43 <+tmmecke> weee irc from over 1000 feet
09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: woohoo virgin
09:47 < kberlin> tmmecke: how much lag?
09:47 <+tmmecke> kbIyup
09:47 <+tmmecke> wow
09:47 <+tmmecke> it lagged out my tab complete
09:47 < kberlin> LOL

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#346 + (0) -
11/11/2010 5:56

Vinod: Text editing is overrated... Emacs can do so much more!

kberlin&aneesh: ...

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#345 + (0) -
11/3/2010 5:01

22:00 < kberlin> I am not a pothead

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#344 + (0) -
11/2/2010 4:53

21:51 < ^_^> i'm chagning my writei n vote for govenor
21:51 < ^_^> to tim lincecum
21:52 < beastham> who the fuck is tim lincecum
21:52 < joshu> ...
21:52 < kberlin> ...
21:52 < ^_^> beastham: ....

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#343 + (0) -
11/2/2010 4:04

19:45 < kberlin> yeah
19:56 < joshu> fffuuuu epistemology
19:56 < joshu> do not ask "how do we know what we know"
19:56 < joshu> ask instead "why should I give a crap"
20:50 < ^_^> joshu: becuase if you don't your colon might assplode
20:53 < joshu> then it would be
20:53 < joshu> a semi-colon

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#342 + (0) -
11/2/2010 2:40

19:30 < perry> lot of cheering from my neighbors apt
19:30 < efung> lol
19:30 < perry> assuming giants won
19:30 < efung> i hear a vuvuzela
19:30 < gms> fuck my life
19:30 < perry> just kept on hearing yaaah wooohoooo yahhh
19:31 -!- gms [gms@irc.Housing.Berkeley.EDU] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
19:31 < perry> lol ragequit?

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#341 + (0) -
10/19/2010 4:52

21:50 < kevin> the future is javascript and actionscript!
21:51 < milki> i spilled all over my desk
21:51 < efung> crying over spilled milk???
21:51 < efung> COME ON

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#340 + (0) -
10/15/2010 23:21

Greg Snow: "Nothing here is that important."

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#339 + (0) -
10/15/2010 20:39

13:33 < ian> i just add this to .zshrc
13:33 < ian> _screen_prep() {
13:33 < ian> if [ "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" != "$HOME/.screen/ssh-auth-sock.$HOSTNAME" ] ; then
13:34 < ian> ln -fs "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" "$HOME/.screen/ssh-auth-sock.$HOSTNAME"
13:34 < ian> fi
13:34 < ian> }
13:34 < ian> alias screen='_screen_prep ; screen'
13:34 < ian> and this to .screenrc
13:34 < ian> unsetenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK
13:34 < ian> setenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK "$HOME/.screen/ssh-auth-sock.$HOSTNAME"
13:34 < tmmecke> so your keys get setup when you start screen
13:34 < joshu> wait, what's the problem being solved here?
13:34 < crimsonzen> unix

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